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The LaRouche Solution

2022: The Year of War and Disease, or the Year of LaRouche?
Join us LIVE on Saturday at 2pm EST. In the first week of the 2022 New Year, Tony Blair was officially declared a Knight of the Living Dead and U. S. Former Vice-President Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney was presented at the U. S. Capitol by his daughter as the new Arse-nal of Democracy. What Next for the New Year?
Read moreWill the U.S.-Russian Strategic Dialogue Be a Step Back from War? Interview with Andrey Kortunov
1 reaction ShareThe Dynamics of Change
Is it entirely a coincidence that the ongoing events in Kazakhstan, which shares the world’s longest land border with Russia, are occurring one one week before a series of strategic dialogues between Russia and the U.S., NATO, and other members of the OSCE?
Read moreIs a Color Revolution in Kazakhstan Designed to Disrupt U.S.-Russian Strategic Dialogue?
In reviewing events of the last days, Helga Zepp-LaRouche raised the question of whether the violent demonstrations that broke out yesterday in Kazakhstan were designed to disrupt the potential progress between the U.S. and Russia which could result from a series of upcoming diplomatic events. It's too early to tell if this is an organized "Color Revolution", she said, but should be investigated, as it is clear the riots in several cities were coordinated.
Read moreSoros, Blair, and the Usual Suspects Are Behind Kazakhstan Riots
Fearful that upcoming negotiations between the U.S. and Russia might lead to a de-escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, the City of London/Wall Street globalists are setting up a "bear trap" in Kazakhstan, in an effort to further demonize Putin and destabilize Eurasia. No shock here, to find George Soros and Tony Blair in the middle of things, another Color Revolution which, if successful, will benefit no one but the global oligarchy! The "democratic" self-proclaimed leader of the rioters is a former Energy Minister, a convicted embezzler whose party is coordinating the rampaging rioters from Kiev!
British Try to Push Russia Into a Kazakhstan “Bear Trap”
With but a few days to go before the scheduled Jan. 10 talks between high level Russian and American diplomats on Russia’s demand for “immediate” written security guarantees from the U.S. and NATO, powerful circles in London and Washington who oppose moving back from the brink of thermonuclear war, have launched yet another provocation against Russia: the violent destabilization of Kazakhstan. Tony Blair, George Soros, and endless numbers of international NGOs are all over the operation.
Read moreThe Real Threat to Our Democracy
On this anniversary of the "Fedsurrection" at the Capitol, we pause to reflect on how the events of that day have been used as an excuse to pursue what are truly anti-democratic policies. As sickening as the posturing around Jan 6 is, the context is global. A strategic confrontation with Russia and China is intended to try to face down those independent nations as the trans-Atlantic financial system implodes. Will we survive? That depends on our ability to rapidly recruit to the perspective of Lyndon LaRouche.
Jason Ross was our guest tonight.
Beware of False Flags and Provocations Which Can Ignite War
Helga Zepp-LaRouche raised the question today as to whether the rioters rampaging through the streets of cities in Kazakhstan are being deployed on behalf of a Color Revolution designed to derail the upcoming talks between officials of the U.S. and NATO with their Russian counterparts. She said she had been expecting something like this -- we don't know yet if it is, but we will investigate. A leading Russian analyst said he's hopeful that some positive changes may result from the upcoming meetings, pointing out that engaging in a dialogue is in itself some progress, especially after the hostile rhetoric of the recent years. He said the statement of the P5 members of the U.N. Security Council that "nuclear wars cannot be won, and should not be fought," is a "good first step", but must be followed by specific commitments -- such as cooperation in rebuilding Afghanistan.
Afghanistan—‘Act Now’!
Today a 30-second video was issued by David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Program (WFP) on Afghanistan, showing both hungry children, and also food delivery, with the text: “The situation in Afghanistan may have faded from the front page, but don’t let Afghan families fade from your mind. 8.7 million people are on the brink of starvation. Read that again: 8.7 million people are on the brink of starvation. What we do today has the power to change the fate of more than 23 million people. Act now.” Beasley’s immediate message, tweeted with the video, is for WFP donations. He wrote, “The Year 2021 has been a catastrophic year for the people of Afghanistan. Millions of Afghans are counting on WFP for life-saving food this winter. Help us help them.”
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