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Pre-Meeting of the OIC Council of Ministers Calls for Swift, Life-Saving Action for Afghanistan
Today in Islamabad, representatives of most of the 57 member nations of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation were gathered for the pre-meeting to the extraordinary meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan, which will be held tomorrow. In a statement to today’s opening session of senior officials, the OIC Assistant Secretary General of Humanitarian Affairs, Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakhit Salah, stressed, as reported on the OIC website, “that after decades of war, suffering and insecurity, the people of Afghanistan need relief and peace. ‘It is crucial for the international community to take swift action to ensure that the people of Afghanistan have unimpeded access to life-saving assistance, and that humanitarian support is scaled up. The OIC humanitarian office in Kabul will assume its responsibility in coordination with the various international agencies in delivering the required assistance to the millions of people in need,’ said Ambassador Tarig.”
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Operation Ibn Sina: Carrying the Flag of a New World Paradigm of Peace Through Development
with guest Harley Schlanger
In a world tortured by real problems such as species-threatening pandemics, civilization-destroying warfare, globalized criminal surveillance of populations, soul-destroying drug epidemics, and money-grubbing scams like global warming, where can a young person, just starting out in life, find prospects for optimism? Why does life matter? Why SHOULD life matter? Is it really true That each human life is a potential source of a good? Is there a way to know that? Why is life good, IF life is good.
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We Have Reached the End of the Unipolar Era: Who Will Tell the War hawks?
Setting a Standard for Humanity
On Friday, Dec. 17, Russia released to the public two draft agreements it had proposed to the United States on Wednesday, Dec. 15: a Russia-U.S. treaty and a Russia-NATO agreement. These documents, written as full and designed to be ready to sign, are designed to address Russia’s security concerns.
Read moreFriday Questions: Is There a Snowball's Chance in Hell of Bringing Down the Corrupt Cabal Threatening Our Existence?
Beethoven, the President of the Human Mind
To mark the 251st birthday of composer Ludwig van Beethoven, the close of delayed celebrations and commemorations of the 250th anniversary of his birth, and the role of Beethoven’s life and music in the thinking of economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, musicians David Shavin and Fred Haight will join the Thursday Night Fireside Chat.
The War Drums Are Deafening, But There Are Signs of Sanity Which Must Be Expanded
As the blatant insanity of the war party is increasingly apparent to anyone with an ounce of concern for humanity, the perpetrators are becoming even more reckless, but some courageous souls are stepping forward to sound the warning and demand a return to diplomacy to prevent a holocaust and a new dark age.
Read moreInterview with Graham Fuller: End U.S. Addiction to Never Ending War
Graham Fuller was interviewed by LaRouche Movement Associate Mike Billington on Dec. 9, 2021. Graham Fuller is a former U.S. diplomat, CIA official, and Islamic scholar. The lengthy interview spans many subjects, from US-China and US-Russia relations, to the Islamic world and its cultural revival, to the changing landscape of the world's geopolitics as the Western neoliberal order increasingly collapses, and the need for a more healthy relationship between the world's leading nations.
Read moreIntense Round of Diplomacy Underway to Outflank the War Hawks
In the last ten days, there has been a flurry of diplomatic discussion prompted by the U.S.-U.K.-NATO insistence that Russia is about to invade Ukraine. Putin has been busy, making the case that it is the Trans-Atlantic nations which are the aggressors, that they are launching provocations in the Ukraine-Black Sea region, and in the Indo-Pacific. The dream of some deranged geopoliticians, that they could replay the efforts of Henry Kissinger in the 1974-76 period, to pit Russia and China against each other, suffered a probable fatal blow with the Putin-Xi summit yesterday. While Blinken, Stoltenberg and Truss are huffing and bluffing, an alliance of sovereign nations, committed to peaceful economic cooperation, is growing. Can the American people outflank the London-Wall St. corporate geopoliticians, and bring the U.S. in on the side of the alliance of sovereign states?
Putin and Xi Take the Bull by The Horns
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held what amounted to an emergency summit meeting today by video conference. Announced only two days ago, the summit directly addressed two distinct kinds of “nuclear war” being threatened against the two countries by the bellicose and bankrupt U.K.-U.S. financial Establishment:
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