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Democracy Summit Starts Tomorrow - Are You Excited?
Wednesday December 8th, from our special correspondent:
Guess what? There's going to be another summit! Aren't you so excited? Joe Biden and Boris Johnson are getting their tuxedos pressed at this moment. This one is about DEMOCRACY--by which they naturally mean slavery. To be classified as a democracy, you must meet at least 4 of the 5 following criteria:
Read moreThe Biden-Putin Summit: What We Know So Far
De-escalation, or heightened tension and danger? The initial reports indicate there may at least be a pause in the pre-war build-up. But will NATO continue its eastward expansion, which breaks a pledge made by the U.S. in February 1990 -- of "not one inch eastward" -- and which Putin has called crossing a red line? Biden responded by saying he will accept no red lines. Despite the benefit gained from continuing a dialogue, the danger remains, especially as the U.S. and its allies continue the provocative claims that Putin plans to invade, as part of a broader propaganda offensive that splits the world into two camps, the "democracies" versus the "autocracies." Thus, the deeper problem continues to be the commitment in the Trans-Atlantic to a world-view shaped by classic British geopolitics.
“Threat Inflation” Leading to War, or a Joint Mission for Mankind?
Even at a distance of 200 years—he passed away in 1828—the immortal painter Francisco Goya still likes to comment, as the occasion demands, on “current events” that, no matter how “contemporary” or “cyber” they may appear to be, still reflect the time-worn folly of brinkmanship, of war, and of “strategies of tension” that can lead to war. This folly appears to arise from an almost-genetic stupidity on the part of a financial oligarchy that is so ideologically inbred, that it is constitutionally incapable of learning anything from its mistakes. On such a full sea of folly is the world now afloat, in the mounting tensions seen instigated by the “Queen’s Navy,” the United States/NATO “ship of fools”, with Russia and China, and the allies of the Belt and Road Initiative.
Read more"Summit for Democracy" is a Cover for Imperial Geopolitics and War
By Harley Schlanger
Dec. 6 -- On December 9-10, the Biden administration will convene a "Summit for Democracy", with the announced intent "to renew democracy at home and confront autocracies abroad." The themes to be addressed are 1.) "Defending against authoritarianism"; 2.) "Addressing and fighting corruption"; and 3.) "Promoting respect for human rights."
Countries invited to the "Summit of Hypocrisy"
But in looking at the diplomatic and military activity of the leading nations of the Trans-Atlantic world in the weeks preceding this event, it would perhaps be better named the "Summit of Hypocrisy", as their continued drive to impose a unilateral, arbitrary "Rules-Based Order" makes a mockery of the idea of "democracy." Dr. Andrey Kortunov, the Director of the Russian International Affairs Council, describes it in an op ed published in Global Times as an "Attempt to advance one single model over all others." With this event, he continues, the Biden administration is "launching an ideological crusade against China, Russia and other nations that dare to deviate from the fundamentals of the Western development model."
Read moreLet's Focus on Defeating the Real Enemies: The City of London/Wall St. Corporatist Empire!
As the danger of war is again being ramped up, and plans for consolidating a new phase of a financial empire committed to deadly austerity against the majority of the world's population are being implemented, it is essential to keep focused on who and what is running that empire, and the policy solutions which can assure its defeat. Our commitment is to both provide the intelligence as to who are the real enemies, and what policies can defeat them -- based on Lyndon LaRouche's proven expertise as a forecaster and as a physical economist.
'Green' Financial Crisis Sharpens the Threat of War
In the incoming German government there are two 'Green' Party ministers—Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Economics and Energy Minister Robert Habeck—who epitomize a grave threat also emanating from others in governments across the trans-Atlantic nations. With one hand they are anti-carbon climate extremists, who demand sacrifice of the economy—reliable power, heat, livestock growing, farming, industry and all—to "the planet"; with the other, they demand war preparations and diplomatic and military confrontations with Russia and China, two of the major nations that refuse to sacrifice their economies to "the planet."
Read moreDon't Fall for Anti-Russian War Propaganda
As a virtual summit has been confirmed between Presidents Biden and Putin, taking place on Pearl Harbor Day, the psy-war push against Russia has escalated. According to intel and military officials, media and think tankers, Russia will likely soon invade Ukraine. They are mapping out a strategy to "punish" Russia if this happens, to mobilize world opinion against Putin. Don't fall for it. It is a classical distraction operation, to take your mind off inflation, energy shortages, and the collapse of the health care system, among other reasons.
Has ‘Democracy’ Become a Dirty Word?
Globally, does democracy—rule by the people—include all people, or only the manipulated opinions of those who reside in nations possessing enormous military, logistical, and informational power? If the world took a vote, would it endorse current U.S. policy?
Read moreA "Summit for Democracy"? What About Here?
Diane Sare, an independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, issued a campaign statement pointing to the hypocrisy of the United States holding a "Summit for Democracy" while her state is depriving its residents of the opportunity to vote for a candidate of their choosing, through nearly impossible ballot access requirements for candidates independent of the two-party system. The LaRouche Organization agrees with Sare's criticism, which opens with a quote from Matthew:
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. (Matthew 7:5)
Read moreSchiller Institute Conference on Pandemic: Only Multi-Nation Action for World Health System Will Succeed
The Schiller Institute sponsored a conference today to address the extreme health emergency facing the world as a whole. The pandemic is out of control in many parts of the world, while mass starvation of millions is now before the world’s conscience in Afghanistan, Haiti, Yemen, Syria and more. Titled: “Omicron: The Urgent Need for a World Health System,” the conference featured presentations on the situation and what actions are required, followed by intense discussion. Participants included Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, along with two other American physicians and a Canadian doctor, an Italian labor union leader, two representatives of The LaRouche Organization, and the moderator, Dennis Speed of the Schiller Institute.
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