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Nursing Unions Urge WHO To Release Vaccine Patents

Nursing unions from 28 countries have called on the United Nations to support a temporary waiver on patents for COVID-19 vaccines, and warned of a “crisis of global vaccine apartheid” that could lead to more new variants like Omicron and Delta spreading around the world. In a letter sent on Monday, the unions accused the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway and Singapore of “protecting the profits of big pharmaceutical companies at the expense of public health,” by opposing the so-called TRIPS waiver backed by around 100 nations.

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Why a Modern Health Care System in Each Nation Is Necessary to Defeat COVID19

Former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jocelyn Elders has drafted an open letter to virologists, medical professionals and those in the front lines of the battle to save lives, to join in an "international, coordinated and integrated educational campaign to establish a sane approach" to address the continuing threat from COVID 19 and the potential of future pandemics.  The politicization of the disease has stoked panic and hysteria, heightening polarization, which has undermined adopting a competent approach to public health.  The takedown of the health care system in the industrialized world -- typified by privatization and disastrous legislation such as Obama-care -- left nations unprepared to deal with a pandemic.  Dr. Elders' statement can be found at the link below; Read it, discuss it, and join us in circulating it.  
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South African Energy Minister Insists Africa Must Unite vs. Shutdown of Fossil Fuels and Investment

Nov. 28 (EIRNS)—South Africa’s Minister for Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe, speaking at an African Energy Week conference in Cape Town on Nov. 9, denounced the demand to phase out fossil fuels, and explicitly denounced the cutting off of credit for fossil fuel investment, calling for an Africa-wide financial institution to assure funding for energy development. Although Mantashe did not refute the fake science behind the Malthusians’ demand to curtail carbon emissions, he unmistakably denounced the anti-development intent of the COP26 demands.

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Trans-Atlantic Unilateralists Push Ahead with Plans to Further Destabilize Afghanistan, Provoke Kiev Flight-Forward Against Russia

With the deepening daily of profound crises involving pandemic disease, hyperinflation and a lunatic attack on efficient energy production, why are the Trans-Atlantic War Hawks acting to starve Afghan children, and provoke Kiev to launch an offensive against the ethnic Russian region of eastern Ukraine?  At a time when cooperation, to enact policies for mutual benefit, is most urgent, the western unilateralists are again showing their murderous face.  The failure to remove power from the hands of the Military Industrial Complex is an existential threat to us all. 

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Spreading Panic vs. Telling People a Much Bigger and More Hopeful Truth

National political leaders across much of the world are making, and being solicited by their media combines to make, alarmist statements and to spread panic about a new variant of the COVID virus, about which scientists know very, very little thus far. Not one of those leaders, at least not those of the so-called “advanced” economies, has yet found the honesty to acknowledge the truth that the emergence of dramatically altered variants confirms. The failure of these “economically advanced” nations to spread vaccines, modern health facilities and public health capacities as rapidly as possible throughout the underdeveloped countries, was humanly negligent, morally indifferent and deadly foolish. It invites the virus, circulating freely among the billions of unvaccinated, to create new forms and again threaten the entire world with death and economic destruction.

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Three Powers in Search of the Fourth

On Nov. 26, the Foreign Ministers of Russia, India and China—the RIC cooperation organization—held an online video-conference meeting which produced an agreement among these three powerhouse nations on a set of substantive strategic policy issues: the need for a coordinated global fight against COVID-19; the urgency of international aid for Afghanistan, to stop the looming starvation in that country; the need to jointly fight against the drug trade and related terrorism; and the need to organize a new system of international relations based on win-win cooperation.

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The Significance of the Unfulfilled Fight for Truth Behind the JFK Assassination

by: Harley Schlanger
Nov. 26 -- On October 22, one month before the 58th anniversaryof the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, President Biden issued a memo announcing a "postponement" of the public release of classified documents related to the assassination, which occurred on November 22, 1963. The reason given in the memo is "to protect against identifiable harm to military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement or the conduct of foreign relations...." It set a new prospective date for release on December 15, 2022. The delay was attributed to the COVID pandemic, which purportedly limited the manpower available to review the documents!

The Kennedys moments before the assassination in Dallas, Texas -- November 22, 1963.

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European Central Bank Suppresses Fundamental Rights To Favor Climate Rights

Nov. 26 (EIRNS)—Despite the flop at the Glasgow COP26 event and the unfolding energy and inflation crisis, the ECB goes ahead with its “shifting the trillions” agenda. In focus, is the global system of law which should allow suppression of fundamental rights to favor the climate agenda. As keynote speaker at the European Central Bank Legal Conference in Frankfurt this week, ECB Executive Board member Frank Elderson argued for an evolution of fundamental rights into climate rights. A chapter of his speech is “ECB: From Fundamental Rights to Climate Rights.”

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Who Says An Individual Can't Change History?

How many times have you heard your grumpy neighbors complain that “they” (the third person mysterious) are ruining the country, but that there’s nothing that can be done? Often enough, this is followed by some mumbling to the effect that “I’m only one person”. Perhaps, possibly, maybe, you yourself have been afflicted with this mindset. If so, then there’s someone you badly need to meet.

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India Ships Wheat to Afghanistan Via Pakistan—Spirit of Operation Ibn Sina

A shipment of 50,000 tons of wheat and life-saving medicines is currently making its way from India to Afghanistan, across Pakistan. On Nov. 22, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan personally announced approval for the transit, which otherwise is prohibited, because in recent times, only exports from Afghanistan to India could cross Pakistan, but not the other way around, due to the enmity between India and Pakistan. Now, for a common humanitarian project, India and Pakistan have set their enmity aside.

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