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Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts Around the World to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
The following open letter was issued by Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General and Co-Initiator of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites.
It is unfortunate that while the world is now 20 months into the coronavirus pandemic, it has yet to adopt a unified educational and public information campaign to educate all of the world’s people as to what we all must do. Pandemics do not respond to election cycles, declarations of war, stock market fluctuations or media campaigns. They respond to vigorous, competent, relentless public health measures, in combination with medical breakthroughs required to address new situations. Pandemics, by their nature, cannot be defeated locally or regionally, but must be addressed globally, with global cooperation and collaboration.
Read moreFriday Questions: How Does the Trans-Atlantic Oligarchy Believe It Can Remain in Control?
In the face of growing global discontent, the globalist, corporatist oligarchy is plowing ahead, convinced that the opposition to its policies will soon peak, become tired, depressed, and disengaged, and ultimately submit to the deadly intent behind their arbitrary "Rules-Based Order". There is an unbroken continuity behind the policies they have imposed since they murdered President Kennedy and covered it up, which is leading to systemic economic and social collapse, and new wars -- while their destruction of education and imposition of brutal cultural "norms", such as "identity politics", keeps us divided. The Schiller Institute has launched new initiatives to counter this "new normal". Join us to restore the best traditions of the American System and classical culture.
Malthusian “Science”—The Empire’s Poison Against Reason
A group of Russian doctors today issued a public letter to a group of “anti-vaxxers” whose scientific qualifications for their expert advice amounts to playing doctors on TV, or being worshiped as rock stars. Written by the chief physician at Moscow’s main hospital treating COVID-19 patients, the letter states: “We are a bit busy at the moment, and you can guess why. But since many people are reading and listening to you, we will find time to arrange a tour of the ‘red zones,’ intensive care and pathology departments for you. Maybe after that, you will change your mind and fewer people will die.”
Read moreNow Are You Ready to Learn About Lyndon LaRouche?
This week's Midwest Meeting was joined by special guest Mike Billington, on the unique role and history of the LaRouche Movement. Mike was one of the individuals imprisoned alongside Mr. LaRouche in 1989, for unapologetically fighting to free mankind from the grip of oligarchy. He discussed this, as well as recent breakthroughs made by the LaRouche Movement and the urgency for our profound intervention today.
Being Thankful for This Best of All Worlds, Which Demands, Urgently, Our Action To Secure Its Increasing Perfection
On October 3, 1863, in the middle of a bloody Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation of Thanksgiving. He began, “The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and even soften the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.”
Read moreAs the Oligarchy Threatens War/Chaos, We Steer the World Toward Scientific/Economic Cooperation
In her weekly dialogue, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the leading developments from the perspective of the Schiller Institute's initiatives to shift the direction from chaos and war, to strategic, scientific and economic cooperation. She reported on the exciting conference in Yemen, to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the founding of the BRICS Youth initiative; the urgency of Operation Ibn Sina for Afghanistan and motion to support it in Italy; and the open letter from former U.S. Surgeon General Elders to medical professionals and others, to launch an educational campaign on COVID, to counter the confusion coming from governmental mistakes and inaction, and anti-vaxxers and others on social media.
Read moreJoin Us to Defeat the Global Oligarchy's Anti-Human Agenda
The LaRouche Method: A Singular Day in World Statecraft
Rarely, but sometimes, the “contrapuntal” intersection of many different efforts in statecraft can converge in a tangible instance, and a perceptible “instant” in time. An “increasing density of singularities” might be one way of characterizing the results of the 24- hour interval of November 22-23, with respect to the work of the International Schiller Institute and its associates. In Italy, Yemen, the Netherlands, and the United States, the solution-driven perspective for the world’s severe conjunctural crisis was notably advanced in the form of statements that were calls to action addressed to the implicit anti-Malthusian resistance among nations and networks that has been significantly strengthened following the admitted failure of the Flop 26 conference.
Read moreIn an Era of Shortages, There Is No Shortage of Hypocrisy
The Schiller Institute (SI) has posted on its website a 30-minute video, "Afghanistan: Fulcrum for a New Paradigm". This summary, from the Nov. 13-4 SI conference, contrasts the proposal of its founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, for an "Operation Ibn Sina", to take the lead in a humanitarian effort to save the children of Afghanistan from hunger and lack of a health care system, which results from the refusal of the U.S. to join with other nations to rebuild the country from destruction not caused by the Taliban, but by 40 years of a U.S.-directed war. Instead of cooperating in economic development, the U.S. is also at the forefront of the Great Reset, to establish a global central banker's dictatorship, and drumming up a new war, this time against Russia and/or China.
U.S. Fusion Power Breakthrough—but No Fusion Program!
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 58 years ago today. It is a national and human tragedy that since JFK was killed, the United States, in six decades, has not embarked on any scientific crash program to achieve any fundamentally new frontier of technology, beyond those already underway under his Presidency. Those were the human exploration of Earth-Moon space; the investigation of bio-medical properties of nuclear isotopes; the expansion of revolutionary TVA water control systems to new Western dams with the intention to build the North American Water and Power Alliance “great project.”
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