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Total Failure of the Unipolar Policy in Afghanistan Opens the Way for a Necessary Transformation

Following the retreat of the U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan, there are two possible directions for the future, according to Helga Zepp-LaRouche. In her weekly dialogue, she said either those such as U.S. General Milley, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair -- all of whom are critics of the ending of the war, and are predicting a civil war, which will lead to the redeployment of western military forces -- will prevail, or an alternative, based on economic cooperation, centered on China's Belt-and-Road Initiative, will be adopted. For the latter to occur, she and the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites have recommended that Pino Arlacchi be nominated to head negotiations with the Taliban.

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COP26 Climate Conference in Trouble


Calls from supporters to postpone the upcoming COP26 conference in Scotland indicate that the whole fragile edifice on which the global Green New Deal is built is unraveling.  As we have pointed out, few developing sector nations will surrender their sovereignty, and their development goals, to comply with the demands coherent with the fake science behind "man-made climate change"; and large nations, such as China, Russia and India are intent on advancing energy systems which will increase the Energy-Flux Density of their economies, a necessary precondition for real economic growth.  It is precisely these technological advances which are under attack by the City of London-Davos Malthusians, who are promoting instead "sustainable" and "renewable" energy systems, which will assure a rapid depopulation of the planet -- which is what they intend!

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Time For The Truth About 9/11

After 20 years of coverup of the real story of what was behind the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S., Pres. Biden has ordered the declassification of documents which have been hidden by government agencies, especially the FBI.  LaRouche said, as the attacks were happening, that Osama Bin Laden would be blamed, but he is a "controlled entity...not an independent force."  Yet, the truth about the role of the Saudis and U.S. intelligence in creating and deploying Al Qaeda has been buried, to protect the guilty. 
See Helga Zepp LaRouche's statement, "Can the West Learn? What Afghanistan Needs Now"   
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Can ‘The West’ Learn? What Afghanistan Needs Now!

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche

PDF of this statement

The catastrophic failure of NATO in Afghanistan, and with it the policy of 20 years of wars of intervention, couldn’t be more dramatic. It is not only that the war was lost; it is paradigmatic for the whole spectrum of misconceptions of the Western liberal system. It is therefore to be welcomed when President Biden announces that the withdrawal from Afghanistan marks the end of the entire era of the use of American military power with the aim of “remaking” other countries. But if this reorientation only means that we will no longer busy ourselves out in the boondocks with the “endless wars,” but instead will concentrate all forces on the “new challenges”—namely the confrontation with Russia and China—then the lesson from this shameful disaster has not been learned and we are embarking on an even worse catastrophe. But the wound is still fresh, the shock of defeat has shaken the whole Western world and the chance exists for a completely new approach.

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End of an Era? The Futility of Endless War Sinks In

by Harley Schlanger

Kabul, Afghanistan. August 17, 2021. U.S. Marine Corps photo by 1st Lt. Mark Andries

Sept. 3—On August 31, just hours after the last U.S. plane left the Karzai International Airport in Kabul in keeping with President Biden’s withdrawal deadline, he defended that decision in an address to the American people. “The decision about Afghanistan,” the President said, “is not just about Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries.” Biden’s statement, if followed through, represents what the Schiller Institute’s President Helga Zepp-LaRouche called a “phase change in international politics.” Since the collapse of the Soviet Union from 1989-91, U.S. policy has been shaped by a triumphalism predicated on the belief that America was now the world’s only superpower.

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Leaving Afghanistan, Returning To Reason: The American System Rescue and Recovery Mission

It is time, in the context of the American military withdrawal from Afghanistan, to turn the attention of bamboozled Americans to the task of reacquainting our nation with the American System of physical economy, as expressed in the LaRouche Four Laws. Simultaneously, we must also cure the widespread addiction to self-destructive ideas and practices, the tragic effect caused by a genetic defect in today’s "entertainment culture."

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Revenge Never Ends—Escape Tragedy Through a Commitment to the Future


The American and NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the entire 20-year military occupation there, are widely recognized as the worst disaster in NATO’s history.

But have the lessons from his failure been learned?

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The British Empire Senses Its Pending Doom


The level of panic, and outright horror, being expressed by leading spokesmen for the British Empire, is unprecedented in modern times. Perhaps a review of the British press in October 1781, following Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown, would find a similar public gnashing of teeth. Perhaps also in April 1865, when the Empire’s Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, ending the Empire’s last great hope for the military destruction of the Union. Since then, the Empire has depended on subversion rather than military power. In the Great War, the British succeeded in dragging the racist, Anglophile Woodrow Wilson into saving them at the last moment, while in World War II Franklin Roosevelt joined the war only because the Frankenstein monster the City of London had created in Germany was an even greater danger—and he forced the British to accept an alliance with the Soviet Union and China, without which the war would possibly have been lost.

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Mother Nature Teaches Us that LaRouche's Economics Are the Only Option... Again

Last night, Paul Gallagher of Executive Intelligence Review discussed the difference seen in the relatively devastating hurricanes over the past week. Contrary to most discussion about these, it was not man-made "climate change" which was the issue here, but rather man-made "sanity-change" which caused us to not learn the lessons of the necessity for adequate flood control and infrastructure.

In this respect, consider the Afghanistan pivot as a decision point in world history, as Helga LaRouche pointed out 2 months ago, which can be influenced by the heavy power of ideas. Lyndon LaRouche's spectre looms large over the planet today, and is a force we should all learn to wield.

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Friday Questions: What Have We Learned from the End of the 20-Year War in Afghanistan?

What does it mean to say that we have reached the "end of an era"?  It's good we are no longer putting U.S. troops in harm's way in Afghanistan.  But was this merely a way of shifting troops to beef up the military deployment to contain and confront Russia and China?  Or is it possible to really end the era of geopolitical provocations, and live in a world committed to peace and economic cooperation?  What the war hawks and proponents of empire fear is that the American people will rally behind a rejection of the policies of the last thirty years, of a "unipolar" world controlled by U.S. military power deployed under City of London and Wall Street direction, and instead restore the American system of physical economy at home, and collaborate with other nations for mutual benefit. 
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