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Catastrophic Floods in Germany Caused by Failure to Invest in Infrastructure!

"Man-made Climate Change" is NOT the cause of the catastrophic flooding in western Germany, despite the narrative in the mainstream media and coming from clueless leaders like Chancellor Merkel.  There has been a monumental failure to dredge the tributary rivers, to upgrade the canal systems and to maintain dams, due to austerity policies and Green ideology, aka Fake Science. Given that there have been incidents of serious flooding before, why were no measures taken to prepare for the possibility of heavy rains?   The same problem confronts the western states in the U.S., where no competent measures of water management or enhancement have taken place during the last 25 years of drought conditions.  The problem is man-made idiocy, not climate change.  Sign up for the Schiller Institute conference on July 24, "There Is No Climate Emergency", to learn what must be done.

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Can The U.S. Break Out Of The Trap Of Imperial Geopolitics?

by: Harley Schlanger
July 17 -- How is it that a nation, whose leaders proudly assert their right to unilateral enforcement of a Rules-Based Order (RBO), based on their economic and military power, can get trapped into a series of unwinnable "endless wars"? Unless this question is answered, it is virtually certain that those leaders infected by this delusion will follow the same strategy responsible for the present wars, resulting in even more destructive wars, including a possible thermonuclear confrontation which could exterminate the human race.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III meets with United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defense Ben Wallace MP at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., July 12, 2021

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Pre-conference Report: The Pathway Forward: Nuclear Energy, World Health, and the End of War.

Join us LIVE on Saturday at 2pm EDT, and register today for the July 24 Schiller Institute conference. It is essential to now end any respect for the assertion that there is a “climate emergency” which demands drastic reductions in human activity—agriculture, industry, power, and water use--to restrict greenhouse gas emissions. This is a lethal falsehood. The concept of ever-greater energy flux density—as put forward by statesman-economist Lyndon LaRouche, is essential for human progress. 

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Defeat Fascism to Achieve a New Paradigm


The United States is quite literally descending into fascism, with the creation of a new federal intelligence agency to engage in a domestic war on terror, government-directed censorship of speech in the public commons of today (social media), and comparisons by Biden between the present moment and the Civil War -- in which millions of Americans were engaged in literal military combat against each other. Reversing this descent into authoritarianism requires identifying the threat, of course. But it also requires an affirmative statement of what the mission of the United States should be. And perpetual opposition to China and Russia ain't it!

As the American military departs Afghanistan, will American engineers and contractors play a useful role in planning and constructing infrastructure in that nation, as part of a global development policy?

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White House Tells Facebook How to Censor: Does First Amendment Apply?

During a press briefing on Thursday, Jen Psaki explained that the White House is coordinating with social media companies to stop "disinformation" about Covid-19. "We're flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation," she said, matter-of-factly. But the White House is not just making general suggestions -- it is pressing for their enforcement. And this violates the First Amendment.

She said that the White House expects the platforms to "measure and publicly share the impact of misinformation... This should be provided not just to researchers but to the public." She also stated that the White House has proposed "a robust enforcement strategy."

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"There They Go Again": British Intelligence Launches New Smear Against Putin, Trump

Friday Questions: Why does The LaRouche Organization talk so much about "Geopolitics"?  The {Guardian} yesterday published new Fake News, claiming they have documents which "suggest" that Putin ordered Russian intelligence to elect Donald Trump.  Why resurrect these lies again, now?  With the U.S. withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, it is possible to break away from the imperial geopolitical doctrines which have controlled U.S. foreign policy since the assassination of JFK.  The era of endless wars, to defend City of London and Wall Street financial swindlers, could be brought to an end -- that's why it is crucial that Americans understand what the Geopolitical doctrine is, to know who our enemies are, and what they are trying to do -- and how to defeat them!


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Sare for Senate: Schumer Races to Revive Slavery and Bail Out Wall Street

LaRouche Independent candidate for U.S. Senate Diane Sare will be filming a short video statement later today to denounce Senator Schumer for trying to revive slavery in America with his now re-named draft legislation “The Marijuana Administration and Opportunity Act.”

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The Forgotten Roots Of The UN

In a series of over 300 letters between Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin a Partnership was formed which was the basis for the United Nations. A totally new paradigm for world relations. In a stunning new book" Roosevelt And Stalin: Portrait Of a Partnership" the most remarkable story emerges which totally contradicts what was later known as the cold war.  It is a revelation as to what was possible which now in a different way is possible.
Tune into this week's Fireside Chat featuring The LaRouche Organization's Gerry Rose.
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Great Opportunity to Learn from 50 Years of Strategic Insanity

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What Does a Global Systemic Collapse Look Like?

Poverty, and the chaos it causes, are spreading worldwide, from Afghanistan and Myanmar to South Africa and Cuba. The specifics vary from country to country, but the root cause is the enforcement of neoliberal economic policies, which serve the interests of the U.S.-UK-NATO Military Industrial Complex. This was forecast by Lyndon LaRouche following Nixon's break with the Bretton Woods system on August 15, 1971. It is now affecting "advanced sector" countries, in the form of hyperinflation. LaRouche also proposed a solution, which is still waiting to be implemented. It begins with rejecting British neoliberal economic policies, and replacing them with national banking credit systems of sovereign nations, cooperating for mutual benefit. As this breakdown accelerates, the time is now for the LaRouche solution.

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