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Biden-Putin Summit a Baby-Step Forward: The War Party Is Not Happy

Join us on Saturday, June 19 at 2pm EDT. Speakers include: Harley Schlanger, David Shavin and Dennis Speed
Register for the June 26-27 Schiller Institute conference.

While the pre-summit summits were dominated by militant bluster from trans-Atlantic imperial warlords, Putin and Biden stepped back from the edge of the cliff in the joint statement released after their summit: "Today," they declared, "we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought."  They spoke about the unspeakable, the threat of nuclear war.

This is a rare positive step, but inadequate, as those demanding the U.S. military be employed to protect a non-existent "Rules-Based Order" will not stop in their efforts to enact regime change Color Revolutions against those who reject their world order.  Real sustainable peace depends on a move to a new paradigm, which requires breaking through the degenerate culture that controls how people think.  Join us in a dialogue on how to do that.

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A Tentative Step Back From The Abyss Reflects Sober Assessment Of The Danger Of Nuclear War

by: Harley Schlanger
June 18—Given the harsh words and shrill tone from the Biden team preceding his meeting with Russian President Putin on June 16, it seemed realistic that both sides were lowering expectations in pre-summit pronouncements.  In the days before the summit, Biden met with G7 leaders and NATO officials to create an impression of a united front against the "threats" posed by Russia and China.  His spokesmen repeatedly painted a picture of an "Alliance of Democratic States" prepared to confront "autocratic regimes", in defense of an arbitrary "Rules-Based Order" (RBO) unified by adherence to "western values"—values which are under attack due to the "malign intent" allegedly demonstrated by Russia and China.
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Leave the Realm of Geopolitical Confrontation

The day after the June 16 Putin-Biden Summit, which both Presidents described as constructive, came more official views of what can come next, in a positive direction. In a Moscow interview, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov called the meeting “a new start.” He said that he had been instructed to move, without pause, for follow-up. Regarding the proposal made at the Summit for strategic stability talks, “I would say that we have a chain of direct instructions from the leadership in order to avoid pauses in practical interaction with the U.S….”

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Who, Then, Shall Represent the U.S. on the World Stage in this Time of Crisis?

On this week's Fireside Chat, EIR's Dennis Small led a discussion of the recent potential step back from the brink of war with the meeting between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Biden traveled to Europe for three major summits this week—the G7, NATO, and a meeting with Russian President Putin. The first two bore the expected bitter fruit. The deadly US-UK “special relation” was resuscitated; the drive to turn NATO into a supranational military force targeting China was consolidated; and the G-7 agreed to push suicidal green economic policies harder and faster, whose result will be global depopulation. The Biden-Putin summit, however, was a step back from the brink of possible nuclear war, but it will not be secure until the cause of war--the hopeless bankruptcy of the trans-Atlantic financial system--is removed.

And yet there is a clear pathway out of the looming catastrophe, for those willing to master and deploy the method and policies of Lyndon LaRouche. China’s Global Times provided a critical element of the picture, pointing out in a June 9 editorial that the policies of the Washington Establishment, "Far from being in a confrontation with China, they are in a confrontation with the times and with the common interests of the human race, including the American people."

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Did the Biden-Putin Summit Change Anything?

The joint statement from Biden and Putin, reaffirming that nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, represents a potential for positive change.  First, it acknowledges that we have been headed toward a nuclear war, which few are willing to face.  Second, it raises the deeper question, how can such a war be avoided?  Pronouncements like this are never definitive.  Lyndon LaRouche provided the answer, that the commitment of sovereign nation states to sharing the benefits of technological progress, is the key to durable peace.  And how do we achieve that?  His wife, Helga, has provided the answer: break out of the imperial geopolitical paradigm, with its commitment to predatory neoliberal economics benefitting the private banks, and build a new paradigm of cooperation, to achieve the Common Aims of Mankind.  This is the theme of next weekend's online Schiller Institute conference -- click here to register for this historic event!

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What Could Have Happened in Geneva, and What Must Happen in the World

That even the relatively uneventful meeting between Presidents Biden and Putin in Geneva can accurately be hailed as a step forward, speaks to the absolutely terrible situation the world is in. Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of Global Times, expressed it in a tweet: “The meeting itself sends a strong signal. Both want to end the worst period of U.S.-Russian relations post-Cold War. At the very least, achieve low-level stability in their bilateral ties and avoid new uncontrollable conflicts. And this is probably the only product of the meeting.”

Our aspirations must be so much greater!

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Will Hyperinflation Wipe Out Your Bank Account? Spreading Syphilis is Not the Answer!

The Midwest LaRouche Organization hosted Independent LaRouche Candidate for Senate in NY, Diane Sare, for this week's zoom conference call to discuss the imminent hyperinflationary blowout of the Trans-Atlantic financial system. The Federal Reserve has 10 times more "assets" on its balance sheet today than it did in 2008, and double what it had one year ago. The big banks are holding twice as much in deposits as they are lending. Moreover, counting drug money and prostitution in the GDP will only make matters worse, and obliterate our already disintegrating cities. 

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Putin and Biden Take a Step Back from War: Mainstream Media Protests!

We should not overstate the case -- the outcome of the Putin-Biden summit did not resolve most of the outstanding issues, which the War Hawks in the Military Industrial Complex have been inventing and hyping, to bring the two countries to the brink of war. However, the joint statement they issued included an extremely important agreement: "Today, we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought." See if you can find this reported in the English-language mainstream media, which instead demeaned the summit, and tried to provoke confrontation between the two leaders, exactly as they tried following the July 2018 summit between Putin and President Trump in Helsinki.

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A Step Back from the Brink – and What It Now Takes To Win a Durable Peace


U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin emerged from their four-hour summit discussion today in Geneva, Switzerland, to present to the world a “U.S-Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability,” whose brief text includes the following central commitment: “Today, we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” That exact phrase was used by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev in their famous November 1985 summit at the height of the Cold War, in the very same location.

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For the Common Good of All People, Not Rules Benefiting the Few!

The upcoming two-day Schiller Institute International June 26-27 conference is part of a continuous process to build a stronger and stronger anti-Malthusian alliance worldwide, incorporating a network of people who understand the profound importance of a Renaissance of Classical culture. Register today to participate at schillerinstitute.com

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