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The True History of the Founding of the United Nations

One of the most controversial decisions Franklin Roosevelt made was the foundation of the UN at the Yalta Conference 1945. The pro-fascist faction and foolish dupes went wild about the friendly relations with Russia that Roosevelt insisted upon. You have heard this one before! It was Russia that took the brunt of the Nazi onslaught. It was the British Empire that created two world wars! Roosevelt knew this and this background set the stage for his final great gift to mankind. The real story of the UN and how it came into being!

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The Coincidence of Opposites: The Hypothesis Which Lies at the Foundation of a Durable World Development Policy

During the year 1983, in which Republican President Ronald Reagan advanced the seismic change in post-war military strategy known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), stunning the entire trans-Atlantic world by embracing the inspired proposal of 1984 Democratic Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, LaRouche authored a number of documents subsequent to that March 23 achievement. They included his “The Implications of Beam-Weapons Technology for the Military Doctrine of Argentina,” May 1983; “Saudi Arabia in the Year 2023,” June; “A Fifty-Year Development Policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans Basin,” August; and two December documents, “The Design for a Leibnizian Academy of Morocco,” and “A Proposal To Begin Development of a Long-Range Economic Development Policy for the State of Israel.” LaRouche, besides his participation in many seminars and conferences that year, also took time to describe for all, in “The Science of the Human Mind,” written in October of 1983, what he meant, when LaRouche entitled the much-earlier “Open Dialogue with Leonid Brezhnev: The Content of Policy Is the Method by Which It Is Made.” The rediscovery of the Promethean “principle of power,” the power of labor, technology, and productive work, today under assault by the British Empire’s Great Reset, is the core of the LaRouche economic method, and all policy initiatives that flow from it.

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Flicker of Sanity—Biden-Putin Summit Must Spark Global Shift

It is very easy to lose sight of any path forward in the existential crisis facing mankind today, especially when viewed from within the trans-Atlantic region: the financial bubble in the banking system—literally quadrillions of dollars of speculative paper, already threatening a hyperinflation which could wipe out everyone’s savings; a government issuing daily war cries against the nuclear-armed Russia and China; the insane Green New Deal already shutting down the real economy based on a scientific fraud; a pandemic which is expanding globally; and a social crisis fueled by drugs, violence, and perversity.

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Interview with Mayor Amable de Jesús Hernández, San José Colinas, Honduras

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The Insanity of the "Infrastructure Debate" in the U.S.

While the White House is quibbling with members of both parties in Congress over the size of the proposed infrastructure bill, what is clear is that the debate has nothing to do with building modern platforms of infrastructure. Instead, it represents a defense of the bankrupt ideologies governing both parties: while the Republicans want to limit spending, many Democrats -- including Biden -- are committed to an insane "Green" agenda, which includes destroying the existing energy grid in pursuit of the lunacy of a "zero-carbon footprint." But the proposal to tear down hydroelectric dams to prevent "human interference with the rights of free-flowing rivers" is a sign of the intellectual degeneracy and dishonesty of the debate, as is the neo-liberal insistence that "cheaper is better" and preference for "pay as you go" schemes when it comes to upgrading the national platform of infrastructure.

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Regime Change Plotters Targeting Syria, Belarus, as well as Russia and China

The Trans-Atlantic hypocrites are out in force, continuing their verbal assaults against Syria and Belarus, while the sanctions they are imposing are worsening the situations in both nations, with disastrous consequences, especially for children. Will they try to sabotage the Putin-Biden summit, now confirmed for June 16 in Geneva?

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The Green New Deal and Financial Disaster


The global financial elite have only a shrinking time-frame in which to force all nations, and all of us, to stop resisting and accept their “Great Reset,” or “Green New Deal.” They are running out of time before a perhaps $100 trillion “everything bubble” of largely unpayable debts and derivatives exposures based on them, collapses or goes into a hyperinflationary explosion. It is that bubble they are trying to “roll over” by looting tens of trillions of dollars out of real industrial and agricultural production, household wealth and survival, and jamming it into a “green finance” bubble based on dolled-up throwback energy technologies.

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The Biden Agenda: Hyperinflation and War?

As we warned on the day of his inauguration, Joe Biden's administration is pursuing policies which will lead to hyperinflation and war.  The Davos globalist's Great Reset, which has been adopted by Biden, features the move to a central banker dictatorship, propped up by an unprecedented volume of money creation -- which will be directed into a green financial bubble, while credit is denied to the physical economy.  And as Secretary of State Blinken heads to the Middle East, he has pre-announced measures that will do nothing but guarantee a new explosion of violence in the short-term, combined with renewed efforts at regime change in Syria, but also Russia and China.  Is this what Biden voters were voting for?  
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Are the Common Aims for Mankind Attainable?

As a young man, Lyndon LaRouche saw up close the horrors of British colonialism in the suppression of the rebellion against the Empire in post World War II India.  Franklin Roosevelt's intent was to direct U.S. policy after the war to support the Common Aims for Mankind -- this intent was hijacked, after his untimely death, by the Empire's Winston Churchill, who instead launched a Cold War, including the threat of nuclear annihilation under the doctrine of Mutual and Assured Destruction.  With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the imperial oligarchs enforced a new design for the empire, promoted by George H.W. Bush as the New World Economic Order.  Under this umbrella, we have had endless wars, a series of economic bubbles followed by crashes, the spread of famine and the related emergence of pandemic disease.  Today, those oligarchical interests are pushing for a banker's dictatorship called the Great Reset, and a Malthusian genocidal Green New Deal.  We must instead launch a New Paradigm capable of realizing the Common Aims for Mankind.

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Nuclear War Is on the Table—and Not for the First Time


The British Empire’s classic imperial policy of “divide and conquer” was at the core of the “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD) policy which the British established after the development of nuclear weapons by the U.S. First, the British demanded that the U.S. hurry up and use the atomic bomb, before the war ended—not because it was needed to defeat the Japanese, who were already defeated by General MacArthur’s strategy of cutting off their access to raw materials, but to show the world that the Anglo-American leaders were insane enough to mass murder innocent civilians. This was only possible due to the early death of Franklin Roosevelt and the coming to power of the British/Wall Street puppet Harry Truman.

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