The statement by President Biden, that the "era of military operations to remake other countries" has ended, raises two crucial questions: 1) Will governments fully reject the geopolitical axioms which led to "endless wars"? 2) What comes next? Providing answers to these questions was the task undertaken by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly dialogue today.
It is a moment for "serious reflection," she emphasized. The unipolar approach of the post-Cold War has collapsed. Will small regime change wars be replaced by bigger wars? Or will the wealthier nations work together to bring prosperity to the whole world? This is an historic moment, which has caused so much hysteria that the Financial Times and the New York Times both claim that Biden's defense of the way the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan shows there is no difference between Biden and Trump!
She called on our viewers to get involved, and work to bring humanity into a world of reason.
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