Are There Any Adults Left in the Room????

Joe Biden's op ed in the {Washington Post} on June 6, outlining his "strategy" for the upcoming series of summits, shows the degree to which he is operating within the dangerous framework of British-scripted geopolitical axioms.  "Alliance of Democratic States", "adherence to Rules-Based Order", addressing the "challenges posed by Russia and China" are some of the phrases which reflect those axioms.  But at the same time, there is a growing recognition among some security and defense officials of the "growing risk of a security crisis...leading to nuclear use", if these axioms are not changed.  We intend to change them!  Sign up for the Schiller Institute's online conference on June 26-27 at

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  • Stephen P Kaylor
    commented 2021-06-08 12:29:53 -0400
    The Tony Blair Doctrine of 1999 – seems to have become the policies + values of the “Advanced Democracies,” that Biden is promoting !
  • Malene Robinson
    published this page in Harley Updates 2021-06-08 08:49:31 -0400