March 4—In key venues of international relations this week, it was evident not all nations are lining up behind the lies of the U.S./British/NATO bloc associated with the demand that the economy of Russia must be destroyed, and by extension, that of China too, and other targeted nations with them. The truth is—even if only partially presented and understood amidst the fierce media cover-up and social control—that the Western bloc has been encircling and provoking Russia for decades, as part of its intent to preserve the Western casino economy at all costs, especially now that the casino is untenable. Even the Green Reset gambit cannot put it back together again.
It is anathema to this crowd that Russia and China are collaborating on economic development, especially as declared by their Presidents on February 4, as a joint commitment for a new worldwide development era. And so we are at the point of extreme confrontation, extreme chaos and extreme danger. But the truth remains free.
At the Quad meeting (by video) yesterday of heads of state and government of India, Japan, Australia and the United States, the bully bloc expectation was to have the leaders form a united front and issue a statement that condemned Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, but India would not go along with it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi called instead for an end of hostilities and diplomacy. The report afterward from India’s Ministry of External Affairs underscored Modi’s insistence that the Quad remain focused on its core objective “of promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.” On Ukraine, Prime Minister Modi emphasized “the need to return to a path of dialogue and diplomacy.”
The day before, the UN General Assembly met to vote on a condemnation measure of Russia. While 141 countries out of a UN roster of 193, voted for the resolution, this tally left out 47 nations—virtually 25% of the world, not going along. Most of these abstained, or listed themselves as absent. Of these 47, fully 27 are from Africa, and constitute half of the 55 nations of that continent. They did not line up for the lies. From Uganda, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the son of President Yoweri Museveni tweeted after the UN vote that, “the majority of mankind (that are non-white) support Russia’s stand in Ukraine. Putin is absolutely right. When the U.S.S.R. parked nuclear armed missiles in Cuba in 1962, the West was ready to blow up the world over it. Now when NATO does the same, they expect Russia to do differently.”
On March 3, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an extraordinary press conference, amidst the intensifying NATO censorship, at which he took questions from major Western media from the U.S. and Europe. He summed up at one point, that what is at stake is the world order itself. He said, “In the final analysis, this is not just the situation in Ukraine—the efforts to demilitarize and de-Nazify it—to prevent the continuing manifestations of genocide on its territory, putting a stop to any violence and ensuring for the Ukrainians an opportunity to decide their destiny themselves; no, it is the world order that is at stake. It is for this reason that the West is avoiding, in any way it can, giving a response to our implicit, clear-cut proposals on the security system in Europe that rely on existing agreement.”
Mr. Lavrov’s description of the situation today makes clear the vital importance and urgency of the Schiller Institute’s statement and petition process for a new world security and development architecture, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish a new Security and Development Architecture for All Nations.”
This weekend in the United States, the LaRouche movement is taking the message to the streets as the Truckers Freedom Convoy converges on Washington, D.C.. The newly-printed, mass circulation report will be on site from The LaRouche Organization, “Stop Global Britain’s Green War Drive.”
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