Putin: "The Period of the Unipolar World is Gone"

In his annual conversation with the Russian people, Russian President Putin emphasized that the world is changing, and one of the most important changes is that no nation, or group of nations, can dictate policy, under the umbrella of enforcement of a self-interested "Rules-Based Order." He reiterated that Russia is open for dialogue, for cooperation, but its sovereignty cannot be challenged. He stated that he hopes Russia's partners in the west understand this, and will cease the provocations and sanctions, for the sake of peaceful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

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  • Stephen P Kaylor
    commented 2021-07-01 18:34:31 -0400
    Concordance between all nations – starting with the U.S., Russia, China and India. The drive for a Unipolar imperium, copied from the 1999 Blair Doctrine, would never last + could not serve the common good of mankind !
  • David Dobrodt
    published this page in Harley Updates 2021-07-01 09:40:10 -0400