WEF’s Klaus Schwab Dictates, ‘A Decent Life’ for People Destroys the ‘Livability of Our Planet’
Oct. 7, 2021 (EIRNS)—Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is activated, along with the full WEF network of billionaires, royals, and mega-cartels, to push their “Metrics” of allowable economic activity, for stakeholders in every aspect of life (business, government, fraternal, religious etc.) to police fellow citizens to stop doing anything that contributes to development for people. Why? Because, Schwab declares, it is a “conundrum” that human development itself hurts the planet. So, stop it.
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Climate Change Cult Drops Its Mask and Calls for Human Population Reduction
"Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for Unesco to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed
of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at
least become thinkable. "
-Julian Huxley 1946 "UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy"
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Stopping the British Empire’s Age of Depopulation
You may have missed it, but back on July 23 the British hosts of the upcoming Glasgow COP26 UN climate change conference announced excitedly that there were only 100 days left to the beginning of their Nov. 1-12 green atrocity, which is intended to usher in the Age of Depopulation based on enforced deadly cutbacks in energy and industrial production, justified by a supposed “science of climate change.” This is the Schachtian nightmare that Lyndon LaRouche warned 50 years ago would become Mankind’s fate, if we failed to alter the deadly policy course adopted on August 15, 1971. That policy course has not been altered—yet.
Read moreGreen Is MAD—Mutually Assured Destruction
Two of the 11 speakers on this panel are prominent European leaders of initiatives to discredit the core lies and models of the assertion that human activity is causing CO₂ emissions, which is causing destructive climate change. They are Franco Battaglia, Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Modena, who in 2019, was co-sponsor of a petition declaration, signed by many hundreds of scientists, that “There Is No Climate Emergency.” Likewise, Professor Guus Berkhout, Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, who is President of CLINTEL (Climate Intelligence, a foundation). Berkhout is also a member of the Dutch Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. His title was, “Stop Blaming Climate Change for Your Failures.”
Read moreThere Are No Limits To Growth — A Scientific Roundtable
Join us on Saturday at 2pm EDT. Lyndon LaRouche took the occasion of the wicked Club of Rome's 1972 release of the absurd book "The Limits to Growth" to use that unseemly tract as a foil for developing his own, far superior ideas of economics and science, in his book "There Are No Limits to Growth". Where Malthusians — intent on preventing the growth, scientific or population-wise of what they consider the human herd — see population growth as creating mouths to feed, LaRouche recognized that each mouth came with a mind, capable of discovering new principles of science and technology that would actually "increase" the raw material reserves of the world.
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