To Avoid World War, Think and Act for All Humanity
Executive Intelligence Review, the Daily Alert Service, and other LaRouche publications, including our video, must be vectored, especially in the next days, to asserting the reality of the present danger of total war, including thermonuclear war, and what to do to avert it—even as mistaken distortions in the calm strategic evaluation required in this situation abound in the printed and electronic media, whether through incompetence or design. This begins with accurately reporting, particularly to the largely clueless American people, what the Russian government is actually saying. On Monday, Russian Presidential spokesman Dmitri Peskov said during his briefing: “The head of our state, as the commander-in-chief and the man who defines the foreign policy of our country,.. takes necessary measures to ensure our common security and to protect our interests… It were us who initiated the negotiations, the consultation [on guarantees of security for Russia], and we expect to receive written responses to our proposals, which aim to help us avoid such tense situations in the future.”
Read moreA Final War, Or A Durable Peace
From the moment last Friday that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken announced that they had met and agreed that the U.S. would provide a written response to Russia’s urgent security concerns, the British have been working overtime to make sure that nothing of the sort ever happens—or at least that whatever written response Blinken provides will be a further anti-Russian provocation.
Read moreBritish Caught -- Again -- In War Provocation
Once again, a fraudulent report has been produced by British intelligence to push the U.S. into war, this time with Russia over Ukraine. Using the usual tactics -- anonymous sources, promoting fake intelligence, asserting devious schemes by Russia -- they may be reacting to a sense of reluctance in Washington, by Biden, and some NATO countries, to plunge into World War III. That the U.S. has now announced that it will respond to Putin's demands for "legally-binding security guarantees" may have spooked the Brits into "ramping up preparations" for war. A thorough background report was produced in a Schiller Institute video seminar on Jan. 22, "Can War with Russia Still Be Averted", available HERE.
Beware: ‘a War Searching for a Reason’
Since the COP26 flop, along with the inevitable economic breakdown from the casino-monetarist system, and the green madness to-date, the geopolitical confrontationist hysteria against China and Russia from the U.S./UK/NATO alignment has reached the stage of war provocation. This is exactly the dynamic that the Schiller Institute has warned of, and its process of international dialogue sought to prevent. More voices are now sounding the alarm. The urgent task is to create a mighty chorus.
Read moreFour Minutes to Midnight: Just How Close Are We to Thermonuclear War?
Both President Joe Biden and President Vladimir Putin made public comments today about the actual content of their summit discussion yesterday. Biden announced that he is working on a further meeting to address Russia’s red-line concerns regarding Ukraine and NATO. “The positive news is that, thus far, our teams have been in constant contact,” Biden said, adding that he hoped to announce by Dec. 10 that there would be a meeting in short order involving Russia, the U.S., and at least four major NATO allies, to address “Russia’s concerns relative to NATO,” and to try to “bring down the temperature along the Eastern Front.”
Read more"Summit for Democracy" is a Cover for Imperial Geopolitics and War
By Harley Schlanger
Dec. 6 -- On December 9-10, the Biden administration will convene a "Summit for Democracy", with the announced intent "to renew democracy at home and confront autocracies abroad." The themes to be addressed are 1.) "Defending against authoritarianism"; 2.) "Addressing and fighting corruption"; and 3.) "Promoting respect for human rights."
Countries invited to the "Summit of Hypocrisy"
But in looking at the diplomatic and military activity of the leading nations of the Trans-Atlantic world in the weeks preceding this event, it would perhaps be better named the "Summit of Hypocrisy", as their continued drive to impose a unilateral, arbitrary "Rules-Based Order" makes a mockery of the idea of "democracy." Dr. Andrey Kortunov, the Director of the Russian International Affairs Council, describes it in an op ed published in Global Times as an "Attempt to advance one single model over all others." With this event, he continues, the Biden administration is "launching an ideological crusade against China, Russia and other nations that dare to deviate from the fundamentals of the Western development model."
Read moreReplace Murderous Sanctions With Economic Reconstruction, Putin Gives A Lesson In Statecraft.
By Harley Schlanger
April 23, 2021 -- As tensions increase dramatically due to the targeting of Russia, China and other nations which refuse to submit to the unipolar, "rules-based order" enforced by the U.S., U.K. and NATO, President Putin delivered a "stern warning", in his 17th annual State of the Nation address on April 21. While addressing Russian concerns over the state of the economy, his remarks were pointed regarding the strategic crisis stemming from ongoing geopolitical provocations in Ukraine, against Belarus and elsewhere, even as he reiterated his desire for more cooperation, renewing his call for a summit of the Permanent 5 members of the United Nations Security Council.
President Putin addressing the "State of the Union" on April 21, 2021 --Source: