The Opportunity Offered by Afghanistan

While the discussion of Afghanistan focuses on the dangers ahead, and is generally pessimistic -- while presenting no alternative -- the Schiller Institute provided a beautiful example of how collaboration in the development of that nation points to the prospect of peace and prosperity for the world.  With the extension of China's Belt-and-Road Initiative into Afghanistan as a starting point, speakers addressed how development, and not more military intervention and meddling, is the key to peace.  The full discussion is available at the, and can be a source of optimism for all but those most committed to a pessimistic attachment to the world of never-ending geopolitical confrontations. 

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  • Stephen P Kaylor
    commented 2021-08-02 13:01:36 -0400
    5 or 6 nations could be constructing water management systems, railroads, hospitals and cities in Afghanistan. Such development is the key to peace !
  • Malene Robinson
    published this page in Harley Updates 2021-08-02 08:50:25 -0400