U.S. Intel Is Wrong Again

Speaking to reporters yesterday, President Biden seemed to be facing reality.  The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which his intelligence team had predicted for February 16, did not happen.  While not acknowledging the error, he said he will address the security concerns raised by President Putin, and engage in continuing dialogue.  But one of the major factors behind the war drive -- the collapse of the Trans-Atlantic economic/financial system continues, with investment guru Jeremy Grantham saying he believes we are at "the beginning of the burst."  The Schiller Institute will address the interconnection between economic collapse and the war drive this Saturday, Feb. 19 at 10 AM EST -- register for the online conference here: https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/100_seconds_to_midnight_02192022

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  • Joseph D. D'Urso
    commented 2022-02-17 11:17:11 -0500
    Is the West abandoning Ukraine? Wheather or not the US and UK believe their own hype about the threat of an “imminent Russian invasion,” still being repeated even after yesterday’s fiasco, is hard to tell. The US and its allies have shutterd their embassies in Kyiv and relocated them to Lviv, in anti-Russian Western Ukraine, and the center of the Banderist pro-Nazi movement in WWII and afterword. All US, UK and Canadian troops have also been withdrawn, with some being relocated to Poland, and reportedly Ukrainian oligrachs are also fleeing Kiev on their private jets. This may leave Ukrainian President Zelensky wondering what to make of President Biden’s grandiose statements of support for “Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” His pleas for Biden to visit Kiiv fell on deaf ears as the panic created by the US and UK have resulted in flight cancellations and weakening of the already fragile Ukraine economy, the worst in Europe. However, the US and UK have left behind battalions of well-armed militants on the contact line of the Donbass, who are a constant threat to launch an offensive against its Russian-speaking residents, provoking a Russian counter-offensive, and triggering the sanctions so ardently desired by many in Washington and London. Zelensky is no doubt aware that it would mean the end of Ukraine, and it is likely beginning to dawn on him that Ukraine is simply a pawn being used against Russia.