Who Wants a Bigger War???

As there is a growing potential for a peaceful resolution to the fighting in Ukraine, who is standing in the way of that prospect?  Naturally, it is the War Hawk/neoliberal networks of the Anglo-American financial establishment, which threaten sanctions against any nation which would intervene, and any individual seeking peace.  They are desperate to sustain their bankrupt world order.  Peace requires that that order be shut down, through bankruptcy reorganization, and replaced by agreements among sovereign states for mutually beneficial economic policies, as the proposal for a New Bretton Woods, drafted by Lyndon LaRouche, would accomplish.  Join us to mobilize for a new security and financial architecture which protects the interests of all nations and their people: Sign and circulate our petition!

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  • Robert Baral
    commented 2023-02-25 08:21:09 -0500
    For humanity to survive, this wicked global Amerikan empire .use die. Then, if we as a people repent of our sins, seek The LORD, and call upon His Name, He will hear from Heaven, and heal our nation. Then America can again be a Christian constitutional republic, and rejoin the family of nations in peace as one among equals. Amen.
  • Vic Frank
    commented 2022-03-18 15:06:49 -0400
  • Charles Leone
    commented 2022-03-15 14:46:59 -0400