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Helga Zepp LaRouche Takes on the False Axioms of the War Party and Neo-liberals

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche developed how open dialogue, rather than profiled reaction, is key to taking on the crises confronting humanity. The three major themes she addressed are: growing opposition to the Great Reset/Green New Deal; how the mistakes made in western countries in dealing with the pandemic — including denial — have led to a deepening crisis, as the "third wave" is now hitting western Europe; and how the anti-China propaganda of the unilateralist War Hawks is putting the west into a dangerous flight forward, based on false propaganda coming from the Military Industrial Complex.

She urged viewers to participate in the upcoming two-day online Schiller Institute conference, which will open with a panel on reversing the decline of classical culture in the West, which has contributed to the gullibility of many to the lies coming from the war hawks and neolibs.

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As War Danger Grows, There is No Alternative to U.S.-China Cooperation

While there are still questions about where the Biden administration is heading in strategic policy, there are some very real reasons for concern. There is the threat of mass starvation in Yemen, and the growing danger of food shortages in Syria, due to sanctions; last week’s U.S. military strike on a base in northeast Syria; new sanctions against Russia over the fake human rights issue of Navalny; and the intent to expand NATO into the “Indo-Pacific region”, as part of a plan to “encircle and contain” China.

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Houston We Have a Problem, But We Can Fix It!

As the Texas Deep Freeze has exposed the deadly consequences of mixing the low energy-flux-density policies of the Green New Deal with the neoliberal policies to deregulate and privatize electricity production, to increase the profits of private corporations, the "air space" surrounding Mars is full of inspirational promise for scientific discoveries to define the future.

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Deaths From Power Outages in Texas Foretaste of Things to Come with Green New Deal

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche warned that the totally unnecessary deaths and suffering in Texas and other U.S. states, due to a polar cold front, offer a sign of what will happen if the Great Reset and its Green New Deal are not stopped. These deaths are not the result of a "natural catastrophe", but a warning for the future if the takedown of coal and nuclear power electricity production is not reversed.

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“We Have So Much to Discover” About Our Universe

In her weekly dialogue today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche contrasted the exciting horizons opened by three near-simultaneous space flights arriving at Mars, with the polarizing circus underway in the U.S. Senate trial of former President Trump. The Mars' missions, she said "show where mankind should be going....We have so much to discover." She pointed to the successful development of COVID vaccines by Russian and Chinese scientists, and their willingness to share them, as another example of the kind of cooperation required at a moment of crisis like this. 

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the ‘Message from the Biden Administration: Nuclear War Is a Real Possibility’

The following is a translation from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s lead article in the German weekly Neue Solidarität, #6, for Feb. 11, 2021:

Relations with America will not be easy for yet some time to come. Given the various strategy papers against Russia and China as well as statements by leading military officers, President Biden’s announcement in his first foreign policy speech—“America is back”—sounds like an undisguised threat. Under his leadership, he said, the days of the United States “rolling over” when faced with Russia’s aggressive actions are over, and China’s aggressive, coercive actions will be countered. The title of his speech was “America’s Place in the World,” and according to Biden, that place is everywhere in the world. Governments as well as responsible citizens throughout the world need to begin reflecting without delay on how they will respond to the statements of political intent heard in the context of Biden’s taking office.

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Cooperation Against the COVID Pandemic and in Space Move Humanity Toward Anti-Davos New Paradigm

While the global London-centered oligarchical establishment pursues policies aimed at imposing a global banker’s dictatorship and launching new wars, Helga Zepp LaRouche highlighted what she described optimistically as “baby steps” toward a New Paradigm, based on scientific cooperation among sovereign states. In her weekly dialogue, she pointed to agreements reached between Russia and China, and nations in Europe — including Germany — and South America, to deliver vaccines, as evidence that there is motion toward realizing her call for developing a “world health system” as the only way to defeat the COVID pandemic, and prevent outbreaks of other pandemics in the future. She also spoke of the exciting prospect of three nations — the UAE, the U.S. and China — with Mars’ missions reaching the planet during the next weeks in February.

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Webcast: Defeating the Davos "Great Transition" with LaRouche's New Paradigm

While the utopian fascists of the globalist corporate elite have been planning to use the current Davos conference as the moment when they ram through their global banker’s dictatorship to impose a deadly Green New Deal, there are signs that an opposition is growing, centered around China and Russia, and including some elements in Europe. Describing the conference thus far as a “mixed bag”, Helga Zepp LaRouche said the oligarchs of high finance, who are promoting negative growth and population reduction, have run into the intention of leading nations which are not willing to surrender their sovereignty for the sake of “stakeholder capitalism.”

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Call for "Unity" Is Not Enough: Development is the New Name for Unity!

In a wide-ranging and very provocative dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, she opened by commenting that if Joe Biden is truly committed to "unity", as he said in his Inauguration Address, he should adopt Pope Paul VI's encyclical, "Development Is the New Name of Peace", as his policy. This would require dropping "identity politics" and the Green New Deal -- which he shows no sign of doing -- in favor of the LaRouche movement's plan to create 1.5 billion productive jobs, including developing a modern health system in every nation to address the COVID pandemic.

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We are Sitting on a Powder Keg: It's Not Just About Vote Fraud

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche looked at the events of January 6 from the top down, providing the viewers with a strategic overview which will never appear in the mainstream media, or from the so-called experts. She excoriated the line that the events of that day were the result of the unleashing of a "fascist mob" by Trump, saying instead it was a "Reichstag Fire", a pretext for a fascist coup to impose the "Great Reset."

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