Col. Richard Black (Ret.): Sanctions Are Barbaric and Immoral, and Must Be Ended

Col. Richard Black, former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, and a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and later the Virginia Senate, spoke with the Schiller Institute about his disgust with the policy makers who are killing people in Syria with the "Caesar Sanctions". Black, who has traveled to Syria and been active in pursuing peace and economic reconstruction there, following a devastating civil war -- in which the U.S. armed and trained Jihadist militia forces -- said it sickens him that leaders of the U.S. think mass murder of civilians is justified to carry out a regime change. He denounced the idea of "humanitarian" sanctions, as well as members of both parties of Congress who support them. He said the American people must understand that this is a tragic situation, which is being conducted in their name, and must reject the idea of using sanctions. He called on religious leaders and religious institutions of all persuasions to get involved in the mobilization to end the Caesar Sanctions.


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  • Gitti Turkmani
    commented 2021-04-25 17:36:57 -0400
    Das ist richtig, die Flüchtlinge müssen dann in Europa bleiben und Europa muss die Flüchtlinge Ernähren das sind am Ende noch schlimmere Sanktionen, da mit Sanktionen alle bestraft werden die ganze Welt.
  • John Cunningham
    commented 2021-04-23 14:44:30 -0400
    True especially by countries like the US that imposed sanctions creating great human suffering in those countries (e.g., Syria, Iran, Cuba) but refused to take refugees from the suffering they created.
  • David Dobrodt
    published this page in Home 2021-04-23 13:39:15 -0400