
Who We Are

The sole purpose of The LaRouche Organization (TLO) is the dissemination of the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche and the spread of his life’s work, his analytical and scientific method of thinking, with the intention of realizing the solutions he offered to the many crises now facing mankind.

Lyndon LaRouche (1922–2019) famously identified the fateful act by President Richard Nixon on August 15, 1971 to end the Bretton Woods system by replacing the fixed exchange rates with floating rates and decoupling the dollar from a gold standard as a course of action that would inevitably lead to a systemic collapse of the financial system, a new fascism and ultimately the danger of war. From 1973 onward he also identified that the impact of the monetary policy and its related austerity policy on the so-called developing countries — namely by lowering the immune system of many generations in several continents — would bring about the danger of the reemergence of old diseases and the emergence of new ones, such as pandemics. The present condition of the hopelessly bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system (which since 2008 has only been kept going by enormous amounts of “quantitative easing” by the central banks), the reality of the Covid-19 pandemic, the imminent danger of new pandemics, and a famine of “Biblical dimensions” threatening 270 million lives in the coming year, have proven LaRouche’s prognoses to have been absolutely on the mark.

TLO therefore sees it as its task to work toward implementation of the remedies, both domestically and internationally, which LaRouche advocated when he was alive, a mission which has now been taken up by his widow and closest political associate for half a century, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The U.S. must go back to the American System of economics, as it was developed by Alexander Hamilton, by fostering the physical economy for the benefit of the common good. It was this tradition, continued by Henry Clay, Friedrich List, Mathew and Henry C. Carey and revived by Franklin D. Roosevelt and his policy of the New Deal, which enabled the U.S. to overcome the Great Depression. 

TLO will emphatically promote the idea to which LaRouche devoted his entire life, namely that the U.S., together with other industrial nations, will act to overcome the underdevelopment and poverty of the so-called developing sector with the aid of advanced technologies. This economic policy is in accordance with FDR’s original intention for the Bretton Woods System to increase the living standards of all human beings on the planet as the only viable precondition for enduring peace — a policy which was never realized due to Roosevelt’s untimely death.

In this spirit we say: The new name for peace is development!

Many Americans have distanced themselves of late from this central tenet of LaRouche’s outlook and methodology, dismissing such international matters until “after the more important battle inside the U.S. is won.” But that fight, including the raging battle over the defense of the U.S. Constitution and the Presidency, can never be won other than in the way prescribed by LaRouche: by an international battle to defeat an international enemy, with the United States playing a leading role based on “the better angels of our nature.” 

That is who we are. 

The United States must participate in the creation of a new paradigm in international relations, based on the perfect sovereignty of all nations and the principle of acceptance of differences in social systems, working jointly to bring about the common good of all mankind. A precedent for this approach in foreign policy is the principle of John Quincy Adams: “But she [the U.S.] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” The U.S. should, however, seek partnership with other major powers, such as Russia, China, India and others to overcome the danger of empires of all sorts, today centered in the British Empire.

Today’s problems are so great, that they can be solved only by close cooperation between, especially, the two largest economies in the world: China and the United States. China’s Belt and Road Initiative remains an open offer to cooperate with all nations, which the U.S. should promptly accept.

In this effort to aim the foreign policy of the U.S. to contribute in the creation of a new, more beautiful era of mankind, TLO is entirely inspired by the intellectual work of LaRouche of the last fifty years of his life as well as his vision of Earth’s next fifty years, which envisions the future of the human species, not from its present capacity, but from the standpoint of the potential of the future, which includes the unleashing of the creative potential of every single individual on the planet. This must involve the best possible development of the nations of Africa, Asia and Ibero-America, as well as those parts of the U.S. and Europe, which have not yet been able to realize their potential through industrialization and the development of modern agriculture. This requires the cooperation of all major industrial powers, premised on a revival of the best classical cultural traditions of each. Lyndon LaRouche was adamant that it will be the beauty of the classical music like that of Ludwig van Beethoven and the elevated image of man of the great poets like William Shakespeare and Friedrich Schiller that will get mankind out of this present deep civilizational crisis.

The principles which LaRouche laid out in his “Draft Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.” in 1984 as a platform for cooperation for the common implementation of the SDI still are valid today. He says in Article 1 of that document titled “General conditions for peace”:

The political foundation for durable peace must be: a) The unconditional sovereignty of each and all nation-states, and b) Cooperation among sovereign nation-states to the effect of promoting unlimited opportunities to participate in the benefits of technological progress, to the mutual benefit of each and all.

The most crucial feature of present implementation of such a policy of durable peace is a profound change in the monetary, economic, and political relations between the dominant powers and those relatively subordinated nations often classed as “developing nations.” Unless the inequities lingering in the aftermath of modem colonialism are progressively remedied, there can be no durable peace on this planet.

Insofar as the United States, Russia, China, India and other nations acknowledge the progress of the productive powers of labor throughout the planet to be in the vital strategic interests of each and all, those powers — and others that will join them — are bound to that degree and in that way by a common interest. This is the kernel of the political and economic policies of practice indispensable to fostering durable peace among those powers.

Increasing the productive powers of labor requires relatively high rates of investment in technologically progressive forms of capital goods in all spheres of production. There are three general categories of scientific and technological progress on which mankind must rely into the period to come:

  1. very high energy flux density, controlled thermonuclear plasmas, typified by development of “commercial” fusion energy production, the emerging, principal source of energy for mankind, both on Earth and in the exploration and colonization of nearby space, 
  2. the international cooperation for space exploration and colonization among the presently spacefaring nations as well as the inclusion of other nations who want to participate in discovering the secrets of our universe as well as terraforming the Moon, Mars, and other planets in the future, and
  3. the research and application into biophysics and study of the principle of life as such.

The Covid-19 pandemic and already-threatening new pandemics have made clear that there is no local or regional safety from disease: every nation must have a modern health system. In participating in the creation of such systems, including the necessary infrastructure, the U.S. can begin to supply increasing amounts of high-technology capital goods to the developing nations and in this way foster increased rates of turnover in our own most advanced capital-goods sectors of production.

Leaving aside the question of the profit accruing to the U.S. from such exports, as a by-product of such increased rates of turnover, the rate of improvement of technology is increased in such a qualitative way, that the U.S. economy will be rebuilt completely. All of the categories mentioned above will in effect pay for themselves, since the credit provided by returning to a Hamiltonian credit system will finance future production, which will increase the productivity of the entire economy at full employment. It is the characteristic of the American System of economy that the tax revenue of this increased production is always larger than the initial credit provided for the investment due to the additional physical economic and technological value thus created.

All of this requires the immediate bankruptcy reorganization of the trans-Atlantic financial system, with its nearly $2 quadrillion speculative bubble, which the City of London and Wall Street are trying to preserve and defend, even at the cost of billions of human lives. (See Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws).

The United States will only have a bright future, when we return to upholding the principles of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution. The character of the U.S. must be that of a republic, not a junior partner of the same empire against which it fought and won the War of Independence. It is high time that the U.S. return to be a force for good in the world and become again a beacon of hope and a temple of liberty. By rallying around the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, that proud tradition will experience a renaissance which will inspire the whole world to join a truly human future civilization.

December 2020

The LaRouche Organization
2 University Plaza Dr., Suite 100
Hackensack, NJ 07601
(201) 515-6483