Democracy Summit Starts Tomorrow - Are You Excited?

Wednesday December 8th, from our special correspondent:

Guess what? There's going to be another summit! Aren't you so excited? Joe Biden and Boris Johnson are getting their tuxedos pressed at this moment. This one is about DEMOCRACY--by which they naturally mean slavery.  To be classified as a democracy, you must meet at least 4 of the 5 following criteria:

1) You must have an absolute monarch as your head of state, as in the UK, where this monarch has the authority to abolish the elected parliaments of the UK, Canada or Australia at will, the right to arrest and jail anyone without trial or cause, or the right to abrogate the wealth of the subject population, through bail-out, bail-in, or any other means the Great Reset deems necessary.
2) You must be a nation where nobody will ever know the actual victor of key elections, such as the USA's 2000 Gore vs Bush election, 2004 Bush vs Kerry election, and 2020 Trump vs Biden election. Who actually won any of those elections? Who cares, what the heck.
3) You must have absolute dictatorial control over all print and electronic media. Any dissenting voices must be either totally blacked out or crushed by jailing or assassinating of dissenting voices.
4) While promoting extreme violence and murder in television and movie entertainment, you must act outraged when such violence actually occurs in the real world, as with mass shootings and other such events. "How could anyone have ever thought such a thing could happen when they see it every day on TV and at the movies?"

5) Your citizens must have the right to have fierce debates between liberals and conservatives on whether to eat dog poop or cat poop for dinner. This fiery debate must also descend down to the level of college campuses, talk shows, local gambling houses, whore houses and bars. Everyone gets to have an opinion as long as it is stupid.

Apparently Russia and China are NOT invited. They didn't make the cut.

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  • Renee Sigerson
    commented 2021-12-08 16:27:41 -0500
    Good Swiftean landing on the mindset!
  • Christopher Sare
    published this page in Home 2021-12-08 14:18:24 -0500