Pre-conference Report: The Pathway Forward: Nuclear Energy, World Health, and the End of War.

Join us LIVE on Saturday at 2pm EDT, and register today for the July 24 Schiller Institute conference. It is essential to now end any respect for the assertion that there is a “climate emergency” which demands drastic reductions in human activity—agriculture, industry, power, and water use--to restrict greenhouse gas emissions. This is a lethal falsehood. The concept of ever-greater energy flux density—as put forward by statesman-economist Lyndon LaRouche, is essential for human progress. 

The drunken shift out of high-density electricity generation—coal, oil and nuclear--into low-energy dense, unreliable wind and solar, has reached the stage in the Trans-Atlantic of pending blackouts in the United States and Europe.

The problem lies with the false axioms expressed 50 years ago in the destruction of the Bretton Woods financial system. Russia, China, India, and the United States must come to a set of agreements that promote scientific, technological, and medical progress throughout the world at unprecedented rates, if humanity is to knowingly survive the next decade. How that can be done is the subject of the July 24 assembly of the Schiller Institute

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  • jodi jaques
    followed this page 2021-07-18 02:36:24 -0400
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    published this page in Home 2021-07-17 11:47:11 -0400