From Adversarial Relationships to Cooperation: The Lesson from LaRouche's SDI, Presented by Ronald Reagan 38 Years Ago

The threats coming from TransAtlantic Circles of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) against Russia and China today reflect a bankruptcy in their strategic vision, which matches the bankruptcy of their global financial system.  On March 23, 1983, Reagan announced to the world that he was committed to a process of peace with the USSR, based on sharing anti-missile technologies based on new physical principles, a strategy developed by Lyndon LaRouche to end the threat inherent in Kissinger's Mutual and Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine.  The USSR's rejection of Reagan's offer foredoomed their empire, which LaRouche forecast would collapse within five years!  Instead of repeating that folly today, which could end in a war of MAD, we have the possibility of "win-win" cooperation, were the West to embrace, and become part of China's Belt-and-Road Initiative, based on Lyn and Helga Zepp LaRouche's design for a World Landbridge.  

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  • Stephen P Kaylor
    commented 2021-03-23 14:21:41 -0400 · Flag
    JFK began his Alliance for Progress initiative in 1961 – for the development of all peoples. His Peace through Strength strategy was part of his undelivered 1963 Dallas Speech – And both of these would have preempted Kissinger’s geo-political MAD Doctrine { JFK had fired him in 1961 }. / The MAD Doctrine locked in the nuclear weapons standoff – then as long as this 2 empire system was maintained, the U.S. and other populations could be dumbed down + pacified via Cancel Culture etc. !
  • Malene Robinson
    published this page in Harley Updates 2021-03-23 10:18:59 -0400