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Voices of Sanity and Compassion Begin To Ring Out

Join us live on Saturday, April 24 at 2pm EDT. 

The potential to defeat the genocidal “green new deal” and “great reset” policies of the bankrupt trans-Atlantic Establishment is palpable and growing. That is what makes the global strategic situation “dangerous, polarized, interesting and hopeful—all of the above at the same time,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche asserted today.

A growing number of powerful voices are being raised which, although still nodding in the direction of the green climate-change mythology, are digging in their heels against the idea of sacrificing millions or billions of people, especially in the underdeveloped sector, on the altar of Malthusian environmentalism. This week the Indian Energy Minister and an angry editorial in China’s Global Times. Copenhagen Consensus President Bjorn Lomborg, whose op-ed was notably published in the semi-official China Daily, which argued: “Six billion not-rich people also want access to plentiful and cheap energy, lifting them out of hunger, sickness and poverty.” If the G7 nations try to deprive them of that, in the name of an illusory Green New Deal, “that will go badly,” Lomborg accurately warned.

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War May Threaten, But Truth Will Change the Climate

Let us not be persuaded by the clamor that beats about the ears of the credulous being taken in by the antics of the Biden climate summit. Beneath that rancorous din, can be heard the low drumbeat of war. Take the comments yesterday of United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at the summit: “Today, no nation can find lasting security without addressing the climate crisis…. Climate change is making the world more unsafe and we need to act…. The climate crisis is a profoundly destabilizing force for our world. As the Arctic melts, competition for resources and influence in the region increases. Closer to the Equator, rising temperatures and more frequent and intense extreme weather events in Africa and Central America threaten millions with drought, hunger, and displacement.” This is a restatement of the 1974 National Security Study Memorandum-200 policy, called “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”

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Replace Murderous Sanctions With Economic Reconstruction, Putin Gives A Lesson In Statecraft.

By Harley Schlanger
April 23, 2021 -- As tensions increase dramatically due to the targeting of Russia, China and other nations which refuse to submit to the unipolar, "rules-based order" enforced by the U.S., U.K. and NATO, President Putin delivered a "stern warning", in his 17th annual State of the Nation address on April 21. While addressing Russian concerns over the state of the economy, his remarks were pointed regarding the strategic crisis stemming from ongoing geopolitical provocations in Ukraine, against Belarus and elsewhere, even as he reiterated his desire for more cooperation, renewing his call for a summit of the Permanent 5 members of the United Nations Security Council.

President Putin addressing the "State of the Union" on April 21, 2021 --Source: Kremlin.ru

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Col. Richard Black (Ret.): Sanctions Are Barbaric and Immoral, and Must Be Ended

Col. Richard Black, former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, and a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and later the Virginia Senate, spoke with the Schiller Institute about his disgust with the policy makers who are killing people in Syria with the "Caesar Sanctions". Black, who has traveled to Syria and been active in pursuing peace and economic reconstruction there, following a devastating civil war -- in which the U.S. armed and trained Jihadist militia forces -- said it sickens him that leaders of the U.S. think mass murder of civilians is justified to carry out a regime change. He denounced the idea of "humanitarian" sanctions, as well as members of both parties of Congress who support them. He said the American people must understand that this is a tragic situation, which is being conducted in their name, and must reject the idea of using sanctions. He called on religious leaders and religious institutions of all persuasions to get involved in the mobilization to end the Caesar Sanctions.


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"Inflation? What inflation?" asks the used car dealer trying to sell you a 10 year old clunker for $16,000

We begin with a brief review of the fraudulent posturing coming from the Federal Reserve, which is trying to convince us there is nothing wrong with the continued voluminous flows of funny money to prop up collapsing valuations of worthless financial instruments.  LaRouche's famous Triple Curve Collapse Function instructs us otherwise.  (see link below)
As for Friday's questions, we take up what changes in thinking are necessary to escape an ongoing depression collapse, and sleep-walking into World War III: In particular, answering the question, "Aren't Russia and China really our enemies?"
This link will provide a good start to study LaRouche's Triple Curve Function:
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Abandoning the Suicide Club To Create a Real Future

The Biden White House celebrated “Dearth Day” by dragging together world leaders for a shared discussion about committing suicide by forcing the world to engage in a carbon-dioxide hunger strike. As the EU, UK, and US tried to outdo each other by cheerily announcing yet earlier dates to achieve various goals of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, John Kerry insisted that even carbon neutrality was too limited a goal. We’ll have to “suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,” he gravely informed his bored audience.

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Geopolitics Stinks! Unify Mankind as Geological Force

Geopolitics stinks! Because Americans go along with it, we once again find ourselves teetering on the edge of thermonuclear war with Russia and China, with hardly anyone speaking out in protest. At the same time, we’re supposed to accept the central bankers' “Green New Deal” economic policy which will collapse our industry and kill people.

It's time to rid yourself of that old, evil way of thinking! An insight from Lyndon LaRouche’s discoveries in economics provides the first step: economics is not about money and “limited resources”! It’s about human progress. For that reason, there is no such thing as "my national interest" which is in contradiction to that of any other nation.

Time to change your thinking, to help get humanity away from the brink and on the road to a new paradigm.

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Suicide Watch: Day One of Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate

Forty government heads of state and dozens of other leaders of institutions gathered (virtually) today to sing the praises of Joe Biden (“Joe” to many of them) for “bringing America back,” as most of them said — perhaps best expressed by the UK’s Alok Shama, the President of the COP 26 event planned for November in Glasgow: “We welcome America back into the fold,” clearly meaning the Malthusian death cult known as the British Empire. The meeting was chaired by climate fanatics Joe Biden, Antony Blinken and John Kerry.

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Putin, the Statesman, Takes on the Unipolar World Order

In the face of an overall frenzy of flight forward provocations coming from Washington, London and NATO, Russia's President Putin addressed the Russian people -- and the world -- on April 21, in a speech described accurately in the western press as conveying a "stern warning." However, the Fake News media did not present the whole picture, and provided nothing of the context for the speech: the sanctions policy, which is disrupting economies, causing famine and death in targeted countries; western sponsorship of regime change coups and Color Revolutions; and continuing wars, and military exercises, aimed at especially containing Russia and China. It is essential that Biden's team take this speech seriously, and accept Putin's offer to convene a summit of the Permanent 5 Members of the U.N. Security Council, before the world is plunged into catastrophe.

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Putin Warns West It Has Gone Too Far: Do Not Cross Russia’s Red Lines; Let Us Cooperate Instead on Mutual Development

International media, for once, did not censor the “bottom line” of the grave warning delivered to those in the West who treat Russia as an adversary by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his annual Address to the Federal Assembly today. For our readers to take in the full weight of Putin’s warning and contrasted approach offered, a much fuller extract of the foreign policy part of his speech is provided here:

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