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When Irrational Exuberance Turns Into Clinical Insanity: The Crash Of The "Super-Bubbles".
Alan Greenspan - dreaming of bubbles...
Jan. 28 -- On January 20, Jeremy Grantholm, founder of the asset management firm GMO, warned that a "superbubble", comprised of stocks, housing and commodities, will soon pop, wiping out $35 trillion in assets. This would be the fourth superbubble collapse in the last one hundred years, he said, citing stock bubbles which imploded in 1929 and 2000, and the housing bubble in 2008.
Read more"...we face the largest potential markdown of perceived wealth in U.S. history." However, no one is listening, he complained, because superbubbles "are often the most exhilarating financial experiences of a lifetime." Among those not listening, he identified the U.S. Federal Reserve and the other central banks, which he reports do not "seem to recognize the danger.
War Threat Continues; EU Green Ag Policy Will Lead to Food Shortages, Starvation
Russian President Putin yesterday issued a public statement on the response of the U.S. and NATO to his demand for security guarantees. He said that "the fundamental Russian concerns were ignored." Meanwhile, the Brits threaten tougher sanctions, against anyone doing business with Russia!
Read moreSurvival Lies in the Complex Domain
At the conclusion of a meeting yesterday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, President Vladimir Putin reported: “Let me note that we are closely analyzing the written responses received from the U.S. and NATO on January 26. However, it is already clear, and I informed Mr. Prime Minister about it, that the fundamental Russian concerns were ignored.” Those concerns, including stopping the eastern expansion of NATO, and reversing and preventing the deployment of strike weapons near Russian borders, are existential for the Russian state. The United States and NATO, it has now become clear, however, do not have the cooperation of the present Ukrainian government for the “defense of democracy” pretext they wished to present to their own largely clueless, mentally-captive populations as justification for their mad adventure.
Read moreBrits, U.S. War Hawks Escalate in U.N. Security Council Debate: Ukraine President Asks Them to Stop Hyping the War Threat!
As war mongering loonies from U.S. and U.K. intelligence and diplomatic circles keep foaming at the mouth about Russia's "invasion plans", saner voices are being heard. Even Ukraine's President Zelensky doubts U.S. intelligence reports of an imminent invasion, which has made him a target for the War Hawks who ran the 2014 Maidan regime change coup, as inadvertently revealed in an article in the {Washington Post}. With nuclear war as a real possibility if the war hawks are not stopped, it is time to place them in an asylum, and let diplomacy take over.
Agricultural Production Faces Catastrophic Drop by ‘Food for 100 Million People’ in 2022
After a tremendous increase in fertilizer prices since 2019, and particularly during the course of 2021, the world stands on the brink of a substantial drop in global food production in 2022, at a time when mass starvation has already hit Afghanistan, Yemen, and six nations in Africa. If dramatic actions are not taken to reverse this process right away, more than 100 million more human beings can be added this year to the ranks of those in danger of starvation, which already number more than 200 million in the latest judgment of the World Food Program and its head David Beasley.
Read moreThe British Hand Behind The U.S./NATO War Drive
Harley Schlanger gave a presentation on Saturday, January 29, at the LaRouche Organization Manhattan Project. Here is the transcript from the presentation.
HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, everyone. I want to just give a little bit more background on the reasonable nature of the Russian demand for a new security guarantee, and then look at that from the standpoint of the threats and the bullying that Helga was talking about, and then go back to the deeper question of what’s really going on here, who really is behind the war drive. Because it’s really very difficult to believe that the Russians have any intention to invade Ukraine, for reasons that were just explained by Helga.
Ukraine Leaders Call U.S. Warmongers ‘Liars’
What if the U.S. and the U.K. declared war, but nobody came? Day after day the U.S. and U.K. media post screaming headlines about the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today’s edition includes the Daily Mail reporting that the U.K. government will announce moves to “target Russia’s strategic and financial interests tomorrow,” while Foreign Secretary Liz Truss ranted to Sky News: “Currently, the economic sanctions are fairly narrowly drawn, so we could only target companies with a direct involvement in destabilizing Ukraine. What we are looking to do is widen that so any company of interest to the Kremlin and the regime in Russia would be able to be targeted, so there will be nowhere to hide for Putin’s oligarchs, for Russian companies involved in propping up the Russian state. That’s what we are looking at doing this week.”
Read moreBacklash Brewing Against War Party Madness
While the Biden cabinet continues to rant against an imagined Russian intention to invade Ukraine, and while Russia, China and Iran continue to be painted by European and American political and media pundits as evil villains out to destroy the freedom and prosperity of the Western world, there is a mounting backlash emerging against the madness, from leading figures and average citizens as well.
Read moreJoin the Manhattan Project LIVE Today at 2pm EST, 11am PT
LaRouche 100: “Beyond War, What Alternative Culture Do You Propose?”
“Though many have belatedly awakened to the danger of imminent war between Russia and the United States, the world’s two largest thermonuclear military powers, why this is actually happening escapes them. In a recent address to co-thinkers in Peru, Schiller Institute founder and chairman, Helga ZEPP-LaRouche said that “the real reason behind this geopolitical crisis is that the systemic crisis of the neoliberal system is coming to a head. My late husband Lyndon LaRouche has made a forecast 50 years ago, in 1971, when President Nixon decoupled the dollar from the gold-reserve standard, and replaced fixed exchange rates with floating ones. My husband at that point said, if the world continues on that course of monetarism, sooner or later, the world would be faced with the danger of a new depression, new fascism, and even the danger of a new world war, unless a new financial system, and a new credit system would be implemented with a new, just world economic order.”
A new, just order must come from a higher cultural platform than the collapsing society to be replaced. Zepp-LaRouche’s policy proposal “Operation Ibn Sina” is a workable collaborative pathway to that higher ground. To discuss the real problem and solution, and the quality of future culture required to implement it, is the task of your participation in today’s discussion.”
Join David Shavin, Bob Baker and Harley Schlanger for the discussion today at 2pm EST.
China's Aesthetical Education: Confucius, Schiller and Hamilton
Richard Black in discussion with Daniel Burke and Cade Levinson via Twitter Spaces. Subscribe to the Schiller Institute's Leonore magazine to read Richard's article.