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BBC, Reuters Exposed As Tools Of The U.K. Foreign Office In Regime Change Ops.

March 5 -- In an online conference on February 27 sponsored by the Schiller Institute, Mike Robinson, a journalist and radio talk show host from the United Kingdom, presented a compelling overview of how the U.K. Foreign Office and British intelligence services have been using leading British media to target Russia and other countries for regime change.  While anyone who is aware of the role media have played in the post-World War II world in manipulating popular opinion would not be surprised by his report, what is shocking is how successful the sponsors of these programs have been in keeping the story out of the press.  The suppression of this story has been necessary for this operation to achieve its goal, of building an "enemy image" of Russia as an aggressive, authoritarian "malign" actor, to justify a continuing policy of imperial geopolitical confrontation and military buildup, which threatens to break out into a general war.

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Facing an Existential Crisis with American Optimism, Not Delusion

The wishful thinking of some, that a force of "White Hats" would come in and sweep away the "bad guys" in a series of mass arrests — an event predicted to occur by "Q" and similar "prophets" during the last three years, with the most recent failed forecast being for March 4 — has proven to be a fantasy, as we have been saying. Instead what is needed is a change in strategic thinking by Americans to a higher level, so that solutions embodied in the Four Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche can be implemented, and building popular support for launching a cultural Renaissance, which is the mission of the Schiller Institute, can occur. Can we do this? Wishful thinking must be replaced by serious organizing, if we intend to prevent the growing danger of war and the consolidation of a killer global banker's dictatorship.

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LaRouche’s Ten-cent Cup of Coffee: The Science of Stopping Genocide

Join us LIVE on Thursday at 9pm EST.
In 2006, Lyndon LaRouche wrote: “The point of principle is, that, as I taught my students decades ago, you could not have had a ten-cent cup of nightly coffee served in even a cheap Manhattan diner, without a measurably global conspiracy among all the elements of action which are expressed in the presence of that hot, steaming cup at that location at that time.”

In other words, the entire world's economy is necessary to produce even a simple cup of coffee. An advance of productivity anywhere, is an advance everywhere; genocide anywhere, is genocide everywhere. LaRouche’s science of physical economy means a moral commitment to advancing the condition of the human species as a whole.

To participate LIVE,  dial (712)770-5505, and then enter the access code 536662#. 
***Please note*** This week's discussion will not be streamed live on YouTube. A recording will be posted after the event. 


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Humanity’s Enemies Are Willing To Start War Rather Than Give in — To What Will You Commit Yourself?

After the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Iran is being told that it must return entirely to the agreement before the U.S. will rejoin it. In Syria, Biden last week launched a bombing attack that left two dozen dead; far from preventing further attacks, it draws on still others, such as the ten missiles launched at a U.S. base in Iraq. Sanctions by the U.S. and barbaric attacks by Saudi Arabia have brought Yemen to an unimaginably perilous situation, with great portions of its population facing food insecurity and starvation.

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As War Danger Grows, There is No Alternative to U.S.-China Cooperation

While there are still questions about where the Biden administration is heading in strategic policy, there are some very real reasons for concern. There is the threat of mass starvation in Yemen, and the growing danger of food shortages in Syria, due to sanctions; last week’s U.S. military strike on a base in northeast Syria; new sanctions against Russia over the fake human rights issue of Navalny; and the intent to expand NATO into the “Indo-Pacific region”, as part of a plan to “encircle and contain” China.

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Time Has Come to End London's Corporate "Rules-Based Order"

The inability of many to see that Mike Pompeo has been and continues to be a supporter of the geopolitical doctrine which leads to the "endless wars" which President Trump pledged to end, is a strategic vulnerability that allows the Military Industrial Complex to keep us engaged in those wars. 

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British Malthusians Escalate Push for Mass Extermination

As documented in EIR’s Special Report “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal”, the culmination of a decades’ long effort by the British Royal Family and its City of London financial arm to dramatically reduce the world’s population is now the controlling agenda for world economic policy. Following the recent planning session of the Davos “World Economic Forum” billionaires to implement the “Great Reset,” the London-centered powers are aiming to shrink the world food supply, in addition to shutting down industry and manufacturing. Soon, you may find yourself charged with the crime of “ecocide,” if you give meat or milk products to your children!

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War, Genocide and the Sheer Madness Will Not End Until the Bankrupt British Empire Is Replaced

“The worst famine the world has seen in decades” is the way UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres decried what is happening in Yemen. His remarks came at a March 1 international donor’s conference, which failed to raise even half of the $3.85 billion in pledges for which it had aimed. One of the more disgusting ironies was that the single largest pledge to “help” ($430 million) came from Saudi Arabia, which is principally responsible for carrying out the British imperial policy of war and economic blockade to wipe out the Yemeni nation.

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‘Digital Dictatorship’ Can Make Us Tolerate Destruction of Civilization—Defeat It!


A social media ban has been clamped down on criticisms of the Nov. 3, 2020 “perfect” U.S. general election. The next target is emerging: stating the wrong conclusions about “climate” and energy technologies.

A Feb. 25 article in the Washington Post amplified an attempt by the German Marshall Fund in Washington to call out for censorship, any statements that the failure of frozen-up wind turbines in Texas triggered the calamitous loss of power and heat by 10 million people and 40 deaths in the state.

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Biden Drops a ‘Green’ Hammer on American Industry

The Biden White House on Feb. 26 announced that it would multiply the “price of carbon” by more than seven times, to $51 per ton of CO₂, for all cost-benefit analyses of industrial technologies—and was likely to more than double that again after “further analysis.” The “carbon price” set by the federal government since the Bush 43 Administration in 2004 is not a purchase price but rather the price assumed for all use of carbon in materials—energetic, chemical, industrial, agricultural—whose use can form CO₂, and is supposed to govern the valuation of bids for government contracts of all kinds. Obviously it would also then affect the valuation of industrial and agricultural products and even the valuation of capital goods and/or entire companies for investment.

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