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As Hyperinflation Signs Grow, Significant Opposition to Green New Deal Surfaces

The tsunami of liquidity flowing from central banks into the hands of speculators is setting off an increase in commodity prices, which could soon hit producers, and then be passed on to consumers. Concern over the reaction to this is why global financial cartel players are trying to rush through the Great Reset, which includes a new bubble in "Green" investments. But, as we predicted, there is growing opposition to this foolishness, as U.S. states have filed a lawsuit against Biden's Executive Order mandating a Green reset, and Putin made clear he will not allow Russia to be subject to the blackouts which hit Texas due to green energy policies and a deregulated electricity market.

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Biden Goes With British Geopolitics And Climate Fakery As His "Priorities".

The release on March 3 of the Biden administration's “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance” might make one wonder if Donald Trump's Secretary of State, the unhinged War Hawk Mike Pompeo, is still making the policy decisions for the United States.  Pompeo spent most of 2020 banging the war drums, completely ignoring that his boss, President Trump, had been elected by saying he intended to "end the endless wars." 
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Need Productive Jobs, Reliable Electricity, Clean Water, Health Care and Food?

Unless Americans and Europeans mobilize against the Great Reset and Green New Deal, we will soon be entering the greatest Depression in world history. Most western governments, including the Biden administration, are committed to dismantle the physical, goods-producing economies which remain, in favor of an anti-scientific fraud of achieving "carbon net zero", which will doom most of humanity to death by starvation, new pandemics, and geopolitical wars. There is an alternative, drafted by the LaRouche movement, "How to Restart the U.S. Economy: The World Needs 1.5 Billion New Productive Jobs". It is time we feed the people, and not the City of London/Wall Street predators!

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Trans-Atlantic Financial Disintegration Heightens War Danger

A desperate financial oligarchy is acting in the face of a collapse of its financial/economic system as it has in the past, that is, Preparing for War! There are several fronts in this pre-war escalation: targeting Russia and China; expanding existing wars in the pivot region of southwest Asia; and increasing the presence and power of the security state against its citizens, who are tired of endless wars and austerity. The same British geopolitical doctrine which led to two destructive world wars and the long Cold War in the last century is being applied again today, in defense of a rotting global economy. And both U.S. political parties are under the control of those corrupt financiers and corporate conglomerates which are trying to impose that British geopolitical doctrine, through the Great Reset.

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BBC, Reuters Exposed As Tools Of The U.K. Foreign Office In Regime Change Ops.

March 5 -- In an online conference on February 27 sponsored by the Schiller Institute, Mike Robinson, a journalist and radio talk show host from the United Kingdom, presented a compelling overview of how the U.K. Foreign Office and British intelligence services have been using leading British media to target Russia and other countries for regime change.  While anyone who is aware of the role media have played in the post-World War II world in manipulating popular opinion would not be surprised by his report, what is shocking is how successful the sponsors of these programs have been in keeping the story out of the press.  The suppression of this story has been necessary for this operation to achieve its goal, of building an "enemy image" of Russia as an aggressive, authoritarian "malign" actor, to justify a continuing policy of imperial geopolitical confrontation and military buildup, which threatens to break out into a general war.

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Facing an Existential Crisis with American Optimism, Not Delusion

The wishful thinking of some, that a force of "White Hats" would come in and sweep away the "bad guys" in a series of mass arrests — an event predicted to occur by "Q" and similar "prophets" during the last three years, with the most recent failed forecast being for March 4 — has proven to be a fantasy, as we have been saying. Instead what is needed is a change in strategic thinking by Americans to a higher level, so that solutions embodied in the Four Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche can be implemented, and building popular support for launching a cultural Renaissance, which is the mission of the Schiller Institute, can occur. Can we do this? Wishful thinking must be replaced by serious organizing, if we intend to prevent the growing danger of war and the consolidation of a killer global banker's dictatorship.

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Time Has Come to End London's Corporate "Rules-Based Order"

The inability of many to see that Mike Pompeo has been and continues to be a supporter of the geopolitical doctrine which leads to the "endless wars" which President Trump pledged to end, is a strategic vulnerability that allows the Military Industrial Complex to keep us engaged in those wars. 

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British Malthusians Escalate Push for Mass Extermination

As documented in EIR’s Special Report “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal”, the culmination of a decades’ long effort by the British Royal Family and its City of London financial arm to dramatically reduce the world’s population is now the controlling agenda for world economic policy. Following the recent planning session of the Davos “World Economic Forum” billionaires to implement the “Great Reset,” the London-centered powers are aiming to shrink the world food supply, in addition to shutting down industry and manufacturing. Soon, you may find yourself charged with the crime of “ecocide,” if you give meat or milk products to your children!

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Big Lies Divert Attention from Ongoing Breakdown of the Physical Economy

Don't be surprised if Big Tech begins censoring reports about the failure of "renewable" energy systems, such as windmills, as a major factor in the Texas Deep Freeze last month.  The {Washington Post}, in an attack on those pointing to the failure of windmills to produce electricity as a causal factor behind the blackouts, said such claims are concerning because "they weren't completely fabricated."  In other words, to protect the Green New Deal (GND), such truthful analysis must be censored! 
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Sticking with Imperial Geopolitics Is the Road to World War

The Biden administration's strike on an alleged Iran-backed militia in Syria, in retaliation for a strike in Iraq, puts it on a course to escalate the endless and costly wars in the region launched by G.W. Bush and Obama.  This is not in the interest of the U.S., but is being pushed by operatives deployed by the British Foreign Office, to keep the U.S. in these wars.  These are the same networks that opposed Trump's desire for cooperation with Russia and China as the way to end these wars, before War Hawks like Pompeo and Esper brought the U.S. back under the geopolitical umbrella.  To reverse the dangerous direction such imperial geopolitics are intended to create, Lyndon LaRouche put forward his 4-Power Agreement, an alliance of the sovereign states of the U.S., Russia, China and India, which is powerful enough to to defeat the war drive of the Empire. 
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